Chapter 21: WE, AGAIN..

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*Phone rings*

Missed a call

*Phone rings again*

Missed a call

*Phone rings for the third time* 


Kate: Good afternoon Renee, it's Kate. I just noticed your resignation letter on the chairman's table, are you sure about this because the chairman's not in the condition to approve it and I'll have to process it if you're sure about this. 

Renee: Yes, please. Thanks. 

I hang up the call and tried to get back to sleep but the phone rings once again. 

Renee: Renee's speaking... 

Lawrence: Hey Renee sorry to trouble you but I just heard that you've resigned, is that true? 

Renee: Yes... 

Lawrence: You know you can still continue to work here without the chairman's pressure since he's not coming back... 

Renee: What do you mean by not coming back... I sit up straight right away and my sleep's all gone. 

Lawrence: Yeah, the chairman's father just came in today and conducted a meeting saying he'll take over until his youngest son is back from France. 

Renee: why... What happened to Lionel? 

Lawrence: I shouldn't tell you this but... I'm telling you... Only the board members know about this... The chairman fell into a coma due to the shock. The doctors said that he's still alive but they can't tell when he'll be able to wake up from his coma. So you see, you can still come back again, do you want me to talk to Kate..?? 

Renee: I feel bad for Lionel but I'm just going to let it be because I'm not going to come back again. I'm leaving soon. I really appreciate your support, I truly am because you were the only normal person that I ever worked with so far. So, thank you so much for your help and everything. All the best for your future. 

I hung up the call again; I look at the time and it was 12 noon. I got up from the bed and went in to take a shower. I changed into my casual clothes and walk out of the room. 

Outfit :

I saw Jimin setting up the table with the food

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I saw Jimin setting up the table with the food. 

Jimin: I've made kimchi fried rice, egg rolls, and chicken soup. It was the only leftover ingredient I found in the fridge so I just used it. 

Renee: Where were you all night..? I tried calling but you never answered. 

Jimin: I told you I needed some time alone so why did you call..? I'm not a kid, I know my way back home. Now come, the food might get cold. 

Renee: I was dead worried Jimin... After all that happened yesterday, I was worried about you. 

Jimin: You don't have to raise your voice at me like that... Why worry about me..? Let's just forget about it... Act as if nothin-

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