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At the sound of my phone ringing, I woke up that instant looking for it everywhere. Found it on the floor, probably would have kicked it accidentally while I was asleep. I do that a lot, tossing this and that, rolling right to left trying to find the best position to sleep more comfortably while I'm in deep sleep. I sit up straight and stretch my arms lazily to grab my phone still laying on the floor. It was Riaz. I redial the number from my recent call log and wait for her to answer my call.

Renee: hey... what's up..? I muffled

Riaz: you just woke up..?? wild night huh..? with whom may I ask...?she chuckles

Renee:  lol, is that why you called..? well...maybe... I joke. I slept late last night after composing so yeah... what's the matter..? you called early.

Riaz: well, a colleague of mine was looking for a book editor for her sister who's working on her first book.  I recommended you without a second thought. So, would you take a look at her manuscript..? 

Renee: well, that's very thoughtful of you. Since she's a novice, I'll have to meet her in person to gather some thoughts on the book that she's working on, it'll be useful after it's published. But I'm not sure if I can come over to LA now. 

Riaz: Don't worry, I've sent her your email address and she said she had sent you her manuscript.  

Renee: Aight... I'll take a look at her manuscript first and I'll let you know if we needed to meet in person.

Riaz: Aighhhtttt thank youuu so muchhh bestie!!!! Kayss I gotta go now I'll call you soon yeah..?  I love you..!!

Renee: Kayss... I love you too.. I hang up the call

*knock on the door*

Jimin: who was that for

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Jimin: who was that for..? you sounded all lovey-dovey in the morning..? he smirks

Renee: It was Riaz. Just about my job nothing else. 

Jimin: I see, cool.. well everyone's waiting down for you...breakfast is ready.

Renee: I need more time to shush now, please. I'd appreciate it if you'd close the door as you leave. I said and lay down back cuddling the pillow.

Jimin: suit yourself then.. he left closing the door.

while in sleep:

Renee: Baby... where are you ..? lil Tae is crying!! oh god, he needs attention just like his father. I mumble

Tae: hey... I heard you strawberry (clicks his tongue as he winks) where's my boy ... where's my boy...oh.!!! there you are..!! 

baby coos as he hears Tae's voice.

Tae: hey... how come he's nibbling on the nipple every day..? you said you'd stop feeding him using that didn't you...?

Renee: And how should I feed him then..? leave him to starve? 

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