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While the boys were still upstairs taking turn to shower, I quickly prepared a small surprise campfire with a little help from Eva and Mr. Park and then set the tables by bringing all the food out to the backyard where the campfire was set. I then ran in to my room and took a quick shower and then changed into something else that suits the occasion. 



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The boys came down one by one and I took them to the backyard. 

Joonie : Oh my

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Joonie : Oh my...!! This is totally amazing!!! 

Hoseok: Did you do this all by yourself?? 

Hoseok: Did you do this all by yourself?? 

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Tae & Jk: The food looks delicious!! 

Renee: Of course no, got a little help from Eva and Mr. Park.. I wanted to surprise you guys... Thankfully Eva is here, she was a lot of help especially in cooking. 

Eva: Gather around, find a place to sit.. The food might get cold. And here, I've prepared some squid sticks, you can grill it. 

Everyone starts to grab their plates and foods as Eva and I went around serving them drinks. They enjoyed the food while we talk. Suga and Namjoon help the others to grill the squid sticks and serve it to the table. It was a beautiful night, Eva and I get along well too as we both started to crack jokes on Tae especially when he sleep, he snorts without realizing and then wakes up at his own snorts. It'll be always hilarious. 

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