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Jimin: I know that you didn't even said it out loud but I know that you love me. I know you've been hurt and you went through a lot because of me, but I promise I will not make you question my love for you.

It's impossible to stop the butterflies that uncontrollably flutter when he looks into my eyes and hold my hand or smiles at me

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It's impossible to stop the butterflies that uncontrollably flutter when he looks into my eyes and hold my hand or smiles at me. As much as I tell myself to stop thinking lustfully, I can't. He's been lingering in my mind and the desire since the day I saw him during our first meet in LA. Most of the night, I'd lay in my bed and fantasize about him, thinking how sexy and adorable he is and how he'd rock my body with his sculpted body molding into mine which sends a shiver down my spine.

 I can't help the way my heart skips a beat the moment he said he loves me as much as he wants me to love him. My arm wraps around his torso as I grip onto his shirt and bury my face into his chest while he gently strokes my hair. It's such a heavy burden to always pretend nothing happened. Pretending to be happy and joyfully greeting those around me trying to focus on my work when all I want to do is break down and cry thinking I'd never be able to hold him in my arms again.

Renee: What do you mean by that..? Are you saying that you love me..? Then what about Aera..? 

Jimin: Sit first, I'll fill you in on what happened. 

He holds my hand and walks me to my room

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He holds my hand and walks me to my room. I sat comfortably on my bed while he sits on the stool in front of me with his legs crossed.

Jimin: I was called early in the morning to her house that day before you left. I met with her parents and it was going all fine. But while I was there, I kept thinking about you and I kept asking myself if I was doing the right thing if this is what I wanted. But no, you were always on my mind. I received your call but I didn't answer because they were questioning me and my mind was all over. And then I received a call from Yoongi that night since they asked me to stay in for the night and he told me you left. I took off that instance in the middle of the night, rushed back home to take my passport so that I can come and see you but they stopped me. Aera was angry at me because I left without saying anything.

 Aera was angry at me because I left without saying anything

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