What Roommate did while Whumpee was away

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While Whumpee was missing, Roommate was so worried about them and had no outlet for their stress so they turned Whumpee's room into a shrine. They left small offerings of Whumpee's favorite granola bars and candy and left flowers and nice smelling candles and letters keeping them updated on everything and how much they missed and worried for them. This became an outlet for them in a sense as if their offerings could somehow bring Whumpee peace and bring them home sooner.

When Whumpee gets home after their ordeal and stay at the hospital, they come home to Roommate Caretaker and their room full of little gifts and dried flowers and a STACK of letters. Caretaker buzzed around frantically and embarrassedly cleaned Whumpee's bed off as Whumpee hopped in with the letters. With their heart full, knowing they were missed, they waved their handful of letters at Caretaker and said "I guess I have some reading to do."

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