Sleep deprived

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Whumpee was just not breaking, much to the frustration and growing interest of Whumper. Whumpee was becoming their new favorite project. All other Whumpees were placed in care of Henchpeople until further notice.

Whumper stayed up all night trying to think and felt like absolute shit the next day. How could they possibly work in this condition? Wait...

10:00pm came and the lights in Whumpee's cell did not automatically shut off. Instead, a voice came over the loud speaker.

"You have lost the privilege of sleep until you show progression in the direction Whumper is looking for."

"FUCK YOU!" Whumpee threw an Organization-issued shoe at the one way mirror. As it bounced off, the noise started. A buzzing, like bugs surrounded Whumpee. It made them itch but they would NOT break. They wouldn't. They couldn't.

The first night came and stayed for what felt like forever. Breakfast was delivered but Whumpee didn't feel well enough to eat it. Their stomach felt sour from staying awake for so long. New clothes were delivered through the small window in the door. Paper clothes this time. That could only mean they were seeing Whumper later on for inspection.

They looked at themself in quiet shame as they changed as they saw the true damage of the scratching on their arms and legs from the anxiety of the buzzing. Line after line of red, up and down, side to side, every which way.

They were escorted by force to the examination room where Whumper was waiting by a table with restraints at the ready.

"Ah, Whumpee. A pleasure. If you'd be so inclined to hop up, we can get started. "If you think I'm gonna make this easy-" Whumpee snarled but before they could finish their quip they were hoisted and slammed onto the table by the orderlies. Restraints snapped into place, Whumpee had to suck in air carefully to resist gasping and looking as weak as they felt.

Whumper admired the scratches along Whumpee's arms and legs and brushed them gently. "I see you enjoyed my playlist last night. How did you sleep?"

"Oh, great thanks for asking."

"Hm. A few more nights and we should be seeing the progress I want."

Tears welled in Whumpee's eyes but they refused to let them fall. They tilted their head up and breathed deeply.

All day, they had to listen to the buzzing. Whumpee didn't eat any lunch or dinner. They felt too sick.

10:00pm rolled around and the buzzing stopped. Whumpee sucked in air in excitement as the loudspeaker crackled on. "This is night number two of loss of sleep privilege. This is driven by your own actions and you may regain the privilege at any time."

Whumpee managed a nasty look at the one way mirror before a new noise started up. This time it was construction. Jackhammers, the sound of drilling, cutting through materials and the like. This was louder than the buzzing. Whumpee walked over to their sleeping space only to remember that any items of comfort - blankets and pillows - were removed during their checkup.

The second night came and went slowly, painfully. Whumpee had a headache and by morning was holding their head as if it would burst without the extra pressure of their arms.

No breakfast was eaten, paper clothes delivered again.

Whumpee could barely hold back the tears but made it through albeit there were no mean quips for Whumper.

Whumpee managed to have some broth for dinner though it was hand fed to them to keep them from passing out. Whumper was pleased by their weakness. Now, for their magnum opus. They knew Whumpee's headache hadn't gone away so their most intense soundtrack would seal the deal.

After the 10:00pm announcement, the air horn started. It lasted for just under five minutes before Whumpee began to sob. They couldn't take it anymore. The noise stopped. Whumpee didn't.

Gasping for breath, they managed to look up at Whumper who ran in to greet their new broken project.

Whumper smiled down and said "I'm so proud."

Whumpee attempted to speak but as fast as lightning, a boot was on their throat and Whumper whispered "no no, you don't talk now."

Whumpee obeyed.

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