I Wish I Never Met You

35 1 0

Cw: bad caretaker, whipping/flogging

Whumpee struggled against their bindings and huffed impatiently.

"Why are you still struggling? You know it'll only make your rope burns worse," Caretaker snapped.

"I don't know, it gives me something to do I guess," Whumpee pouted. They'd sat there in that basement for over a day at this point. Where was Whumper?

As if on cue, they heard the door open and Whumper strolled down the stairs with a leather bag.

"Hello, my little worms! Hope you slept well. I sure did. Shall we get started?"

Smiling at them, Whumper opened the bag to show a cat of nine tails fashioned out of electrical cords.

"Who'd care to have the first go?"

Whumpee looked into Caretaker's eyes pleading for them to know what to say.

Without emoting, Caretaker replied in a monotone voice, "Whumpee will go first."

Whumper took no time in hauling Whumpee to their feet by their ropes and lashing them to the support beam, back exposed.

Whumper grinned devilishly at Caretaker.

"You're sure to love this," Whumper cackled as they began to thrash their poor captive.

Bruises. They bloomed quickly on Whumpee's pale skin as they wailed. 'No blood, no cleanup' according to Whumper.

Whumpee shivered in pain as Whumper disappointedly placed their flog back in the bag. They'd hoped for at least some pushback from Caretaker. Oh well, there was certainly time for it to develop.

As they turned to leave, Whumpee cried out "you're going to LEAVE me like this?!"

Before Whumper could respond, Caretaker rose their voice like Whumper had never heard before.

"Will you SHUT UP already?"

This gave Whumper pause. Did they get the relationship dynamics wrong? This was a Caretaker and longtime friend of Whumpee. Whumper shut the lights and shut the door. This would require some finagling but Whumper was sure they could still make this work.

Whumpee sniffled and looked over their shoulder at Caretaker who immediately dodged eye contact. Whumpee cried.

As sunlight filtered into the basement from the egress window, Whumper entered with their leather bag and hopeful attitude. Opening the door, they walked into a fully involved argument between their captives.

"Why do you hate me?"

"Ugh, I don't hate you."

"You sure act like it."

"What do you want me to do? It's your fault we're here!"

"MY fault? Are you kidding me?"

"No. I TOLD you. I TOLD you not to follow that asshole behind the bar. You just HAD to see if he really had a puppy in his car."

"Well you didn't have to follow me!"

"If I didn't, you'd be here alone."

"Well.. maybe that would be better!"

"Just stop talking. Please."

"Oh, here we go! Telling me to be quiet. Always SILENCING me. Well guess what?! I-"


Whumper's jaw nearly hit the floor. Tears immediately streamed from Whumpee's eyes.

"Ta-take it back."

Caretaker looked away.

"Take it BACK!"

Caretaker scooted away.

Whumper took this opportunity to cut Caretaker's bindings and helped them up. They held out the flog. Caretaker slowly picked it up, turning it this way and that in their hand. Whumper stepped out of the way to reveal a new canvas for their frustration. Caretaker nodded and smiled.

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