Axl Rose - Temper.

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Riley knew how much the band meant to her boyfriend of 2 years. Axl had worked hard to make sure the band was getting the recognition he thought and practically knew they deserved. With both guitarists being perfectly capable of creating the perfect riff, a bassist who knew how to add to a song, and a drummer who was able to create a beat to any song, but at the moment that drummer had been lacking in everything but that.

The band knew that Steven had a bad addiction to both alcohol and drugs, as did the rest of the band, but none of them were as dependant on it as Steven was. Riley had known Steven a little before he joined the band, briefly seeing him down the bars at the sunset strip, but never being to close to him as she was to some of the other rockers down there. It was only when he joined the band did they become close, not like best friends, but close enough to tell each other when something was bothering them, or if Riley needed advice about Axl and how to manage his anger issues. Seeing as they were close Steven was able to confide in Riley about his drug problems.

Lately Axl had began to notice that Steven wasn't able to keep up with the band, hardly being able to play 20 seconds of a song, or even hit his snare drum with force. It had been going on for quite a while now and quite frankly Axl was sick of it. It was irritating him that the band didn't sound how they did when they first started out, so he made the conscious decision to kick Steven out. He didn't want to. But he had no choice, he had given him the benefit of the doubt seeing as he knew other members of the band were using as well and it wouldn't be fair to kick one member out for something all the others were participating in. But Axl had had enough and decided he didn't need to put up with it anymore. So when Axl jammed his keys into the front door of his and Riley's shared house and slammed the door behind him, Riley knew something was bothering him.

"Hey Babe!" Riley called from the kitchen where she was preparing something to eat for the two of them.
No answer.
"Axl! How was practice?" Again Riley called out but no answer.
As she headed out the kitchen into the living room she was met with a red faced angry Axl, who had sat himself down on the couch and was trying to calm himself down. Riley frowned realising her boyfriend was in distress, moving in-front of him and crouching down so she was perched in-front of his knees. She looked up at him waiting for him to move his hands off his face.
She began, "Baby what's wrong," It came out quietly, knowing that if she spoke loudly he would become more agitated.
Axl removed his hands from his face in an annoying manner and looked down at his girlfriend.
"Stevens out of the band." He said it with no emotion, Riley couldn't tell if he was happy or regretful about it.
"Why?" Riley said this in a demanding way, she wanted to know why one of her close friends had been kicked out of the only thing that brought him happiness, the only thing that brought him income, and she wanted to know why her boyfriend was the one to do it.
"He can't even play the drums without falling asleep Riley!" Axl stood up moving around Riley as she got up as well, "I know he's your friend he's mine too, but he's so addicted it's damaging the band. He needed to go and we all knew it Riley, the band would go no where if we kept him." He made his wag into the kitchen, Riley following close behind.
"You realise that was his only source of income?!" Riley raising her voice.
Axl then raised his voice to, but louder and angrier "It's my only source of income to y'know! Yours to! I'm your source of income and without this band where would you be?? I'm the one keeping us afloat and Steven is sinking us. He had to go. Otherwise we'd go skint."

Riley's eyes began to glass over with tears, she knew Axl had a temper but he hardly voiced it around her. She hoped he didn't mean what he said, she could get a job if she wanted to, but he was the one who insisted that she didn't need to, and that he was going to be so successful they'd be able to retire by the time they were 35.
Axl slamming his hand against the kitchen counter brought the girl out of her thoughts, she looked up at him, his face fixed into a frustrated look.

"Look Riley, it needed to happen, but-" Axl was cut off by Riley interrupting him.
"You think of me as a burden?" Riley managed to muster up the words, she wasn't scared of Axl, but she was scared of what he would do to himself and the surrounding area if he became annoyed.
"What? No? I never said that- What do you me-" He was again cut off by Riley.
"You said it yourself, your my only source of income, if you really do see me as someone who relies on you to have money in a bank account then i'd like to know what else you think of me!" Riley managed to raise her voice, she shouldn't have to mask her feelings to satisfy him.
"That's not what I mean Riley for Christ's sake!!"
"Then what do you mean!?!"
"I.. I don't know Riley. But that's not the point." Axl paused before speaking again,
"Your being dramatic."
Riley looked away, feeling tears prick at the corners of her eyes, dramatic? She wasn't being dramatic, was she? Axl then scoffed noticing she wasn't going to respond. He then brushed past her to their shared bedroom slamming it behind him, he'd already had a tough day, and arguing with his girlfriend wasn't going to make it any better.

Riley carried herself over to the couch, putting her face in her hands she began to cry, overthinking if she was being dramatic or not, she hoped she wasn't, she didn't think she was either, god she hated fighting with Axl. He always seemed to have the last word.

By the time Riley had stopped crying it had most likely been an hour. She stood up, brushing her lap, composing herself. She walked over to the kitchen and cleaned up the food that was left out from preparing it earlier, deciding that neither of them were going to want to eat anything, she'd lost her appetite anyway.

She then walked herself over to the shared bedroom, treading quietly up the stairs, she noticed the door was slightly open, she peaked in seeing Axl sat on the side of the bed, looking up at the ceiling at nothing, probably trying to comprehend whether what he had done was a good idea. Riley quietly knocked on the door bringing the man out of his trance, he quickly turned to the door, standing up and walking over without hesitation. He opened the door fully and then took his girlfriend into his arms, one hand on her lower back the other on the back of her neck, her head rested on his chest as her hands each met each other at his back.
"I'm sorry." He began,
"You know I don't mean anything I say to you, today was just eventful and I used you as a scapegoat. Please don't be upset, please." Axl mumbled the apology into her hair as he kept giving her forehead small kisses. Riley looked up at him, her dark blue eyes glistened over with tears.
"I forgive you, but please, please don't lose your temper like that again, I cant stand it." Riley whispered back.
Axl nodded his head, guiding them over the bed, they climbed on top, Axl leaning his head against the wall, as Riley climbed on top of him. His arms snaked around her waist, as she rested her head in the crook of his neck, taking in his scent.

"I love you." Axl whispered.
"I love you too." Riley whispered back, letting a small smile creep onto the couples faces.

A/N : First story, I had real fun writing this and have so many ideas, if this book does get a decent amount of reads I may open up a request thingy just so I have more ideas! 😁


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