Steven Adler - Parents.

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Mary sat in her and Stevens shared bedroom, the night had fallen over the sky, leaving the moon to be the only source of light in the room. Their bed was messy, pillows and spare pieces of clothing dotted around the room. When Mary and Steven found out they were going to be parents they knew it would be challenging, but they didn't expect all their basic standards to be thrown out of the window so easily.

Trying ever so hardly Mary rocked gently back in forth as she held the couples four month daughter, Iris, in her arms, she was swaddled lightly in her favourite blanket and had finally decided to close her eyes and fall asleep. Mary had been rocking back and forth for what had seemed forever, all she wanted to do was sleep, so getting her daughter to sleep was her first priority. The distant sound of the front door opening and then closing made Iris stir, causing Mary to rock back and forth a little more quickly then she had been doing previously, in hopes it would calm her daughter down and let her remain in her deep slumber. The sound of Steven treading lightly up the stairs only causes Mary to cringe, she knew he was trying to be quite but he was failing to do so.

The door of the couples bedroom slowly opened, revealing an exhausted looking Steven, his eyes automatically locked with Mary's and then turned down to look at his daughter. He looked at them with admiration, he had always wanted a family of his own, and he finally had one. He shut the door hesitantly, making sure that the click of the lock wouldn't cause too much disruption. Mary watched him do so, hoping he wouldn't make to much noise, he came over to them quietly, standing in front of Mary and placing a kiss to the top of her head. Mary leaned into his touch, she had missed him throughout the day, and couldn't wait for him to come home, she had feared that she would be raiding her child by herself since Stevens main goal at the moment was his band and becoming and rockstar, this was obviously interrupted when he found out that his girlfriend was expecting, but he knew he had to step up as a father and put his family first, and that's exactly what he did.

"Sorry I was out for so long," Steven whispered, as he made his way over to the dresser on the other side of the room, beginning to undress and get his comfy clothes on,

"Pfft, don't worry about it, she missed you though," Mary replied back in the same hushed tone, smiling as she spoke, Steven smiled back at her, his lips practically reaching his eyes.

Once Mary was certain that Iris was in a deep sleep, she slowly stood up, walking towards the cot in which their baby was sleeping in seeing as her nursery was still under renovation. Steven offered to take Iris from Mary's arms, realising that she was probably tired of having them locked in the same position for so long. Mary happily agreed seeing as her arms were beginning to tire but also because she got to see the love her life be absolutely in love with their child. She had never been so happy in her entire life. She watched Steven carefully lower the baby into the cot, making sure that she was warm enough and out of harms way, he watched over her for a minute or two to make sure that she wasn't going to start crying. Once he was sure she was okay and properly asleep, he made his way over to the bed in which Mary had already climbed into and made herself comfortable. He ventured over to his side and climbed in, shuffling closer to Mary, he hooked an arm around her waist and the other under her head, their chests were practically touching as Mary laid her head in the crook of Stevens neck. They were soon to fall asleep, calmed by the presence of each other.

A/N : I've had writes block but this story came to me today so I made sure to write it! Hope you like it! 😁


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