Duff McKagan - Addiction.

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Warning: Vomit, Addiction.


Addiction was hard. Most of the rockers down at the sunset strip knew that sentence was an understatement, and one person who knew it more personally then anyone was Duff. He practically relied on vodka to keep him going through the day, turning to it when he felt anything other then something positive.

Stella knew Duff had a bad relationship with the substance, but chose to ignore it, if this is what was going to keep her boyfriend 'stable' then so be it. But it hurt her to see him so drunk he couldn't even keep his eyes open, god forbid what he would be like if he didn't have it, he was like a walking zombie either way.

It was only when Stella had gone to the couples shared apartment and found Duff on the floor unconsciousness that he decided he needed help. Stella had been gone for the day, running errands, picking up groceries, the usual stuff you'd do on a productive day off. She'd left Duff on his own at the apartment not thinking anything off it, he was a grown man he could take care of himself, or so she thought.
Stella pulled into her usual parking spot at the side of the street, taking the key out of ignition before putting them in her jean pocket and opening her car door. She stepped out opening the trunk and retrieving the groceries she had picked up earlier. Walking up to the front door she gave it a short knock, trying to balance the load of groceries in her hands, if she were to take her keys out she would surely drop everything, so relying on Duff to open the door for her she knocked again.
"Oh for Christ's sake." She mumbled out, she placed her groceries on the floor, making sure everything was stood up correctly then proceeding to take her keys out her pocket and unlock the door, she lifted her things back up and made her way into the apartment. The curtains were still closed and no lights had been turned on, except the kitchen light, she must have left it on. Stella dumped her belongings into the counter in-front of her, the thought of her boyfriends where abouts flashing through her mind.

Making her way down the corridor to their shared bedroom Stella thought he'd still be in bed, but as she pushed the door open what she was met with was anything but what she expected. Duff passed out on the floor, bottle of vodka in his hands, covered in his own vomit. Stella let out a half scream half cry and she hurried over to him. Crouching down quickly she took the bottle out of grasps, his hand opening limply worrying her even more. Stella tossed the bottle to the side and took his shoulders in her grasp, she began to shake him and shout his name, wailing as she did so.

"Duff! Baby wake up please! Oh come on Duff!!" Her voice cracked as she pleased with him to wake up. Without thinking she then stood up running over and kicking the door open, she then went back to Duff taking his arms into her hands and dragging him to the bathroom, she'd deal with the vomit on the floor later, right now her soon to be dead boyfriend was her only concern. The bathroom door flung open Stella dragging Duff in behind her she then proceeded to try and lift him up into the bath tub, Duff was heavy, he was over 6 foot after all. After struggling for what seemed like eternity she managed to put all his limbs inside the tub, without thinking she quickly stripped his shirt off doing so with hers too, she climbed in without hesitation and positioned herself so she was sitting behind him with  the back of Duffs head resting on her chest and the rest of his body leaning against hers. Stella turned the tap on full and began cleaning him off, all while sobbing and calling out her boyfriends name, waiting for him to just wake up.

It was after two minutes of Stella cleaning him up she decided to stick her fingers down his throat to see if making him clear his stomach out would at least wake up him slightly, as she did so he began to
jolt and gag. And as expected he threw up the contents of what was left of the alcohol in his stomach. Duff weakly sat up as he did so, grasping onto the sides of the bathtub for any type of support. Stella let out a cry of relief and Duff fell back as Stella began to clean him off again, kissing the side of his head as he placed a hand behind the back of his head.
"I'm sorry, im sorry, im sorry baby," Duff said over and over again in a husky voice,
"Shhh, Shhh baby it's okay I've got you, your okay now." Was Stella's only response, nothing else would leave her mouth, she only wanted to Duff to know he was cared about right now, it's what he needed to hear.

Two hours had passed, Stella had helped Duff out of the bathtub, gotten him dry and helped him get dressed, before calling the band and telling them that Duff needed serious help and was going to need to be checked into rehab as soon as possibly. After making all the 'important' phone calls she needed to make Stella took her cleaning supplies and cleaned the now dried off vomit off the floor. That took no time, she didn't even mind seeing as her now safe and better boyfriend was laying asleep in their shared bed. Stella couldn't bare to think about what could have happened if she had decided to drive around for a bit longer, what would have happened if she had come home later, would the outcome of the situation have been worse? Would she be stood where she was right now? Would Duff still be alive.

She was drawn from her dreadful thoughts by the heavy breathing of Duff. He began to seem restless, beginning to whine and call out for something, or someone. Stella quickly guided herself over to the side of the bed he was sleeping on, she perched down taking the side of his face in her hand, whilst her other hand took his hand. Caressing his cheek with her thumb she admired his blonde locks, taking in every detail on his face, grateful she was still able to admire him.
"Shhhhh, Duff it's okay baby, your okay, just go back to sleep, i'm right here okay?" Stella's words came out as a whisper, but loud enough that they reassured Duff he was okay. He nodded, dozing off back to sleep.

Stella knew this was the beginning of a long journey, but she knew that that whatever road they were going down was going to end up being okay. Today had been a wake up call to only her but Duff, he needed serious help, his addiction was so bad it was affecting the people around him and he swore to himself he wouldn't let that happen, especially not to Stella.

Stella kissed his forehead as she admired him again, her breathing had slowed down to match his, all she could think about was him, and how she was so grateful that she had been able help him.

A/N : Second story 😱 Idk if i like this one but I had the idea and decided just to roll with it.


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