Axl Rose - Future.

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Riley sat on the tiled floor of the couples shared bathroom, the cold marble pressed against her skin and she stared down at the small test she held in her hand. Her breath was caught she tried to think straight, two lines meant positive right? She checked the box which was lying on the counter next to her again, scanning over the words on the back off it for double confirmation. Riley had been sat on the floor for about 20 minutes know trying to comprehend what this meant for her, what this meant for Axl and what this meant to their future in general. Obviously she was overjoyed, she had always wanted to be a mother, but did Axl want to be a father? They had talked about wanting kids together in the future, but now? It seemed to soon, Axl's band had become successful and Riley herself was working towards getting a high income job, a baby would get in the way of all of this. How was she going to her boyfriend? How was he going to react? She could only hope and prey he wouldn't be mad.

A few hours had passed since Riley found out she was pregnant, she was now sat in on the couch in a ball, still thinking about the earlier event. She couldn't decide whether she wanted to be and jump around at the idea of there being a mini her growing inside of her at this very moment, or be worried about what was going to happen to her and Axl's relationship, and if he was going to leave because he wasn't ready. She tried to push the negative thoughts aside and focus on the fact that she was going to be a mother, there was no way she was going to get rid of the baby.

Pulling Riley out of her thoughts was the sound of Axl's car pulling up in the drive way, pulling herself from her comfortable position on the couch Riley made her way to the front door. It opened and there stood her boyfriend Axl, looking tired but beautiful as always, his long strawberry blonde hair messy but framing his face in all the right ways, a light smirk plastered on his face as he embraced his girlfriend and gave her a light kiss on the forehead.

Riley hadn't planned on a special way to tell Axl she was pregnant, she thought that telling him straight up in an almost honest way would go the best with him. So after eating and taking a shower, the couple settled down in the living room together, like they would every night. Small conversation was made but their main focus was the show on the tv, Riley took the opportunity to bring up a conversation that may lead to her 'breaking' the news to him.

"Honey? How do you feel about having kids?" Riley asked straight up, practically diving into the deep end.
"I want kids yeah, just maybe in the future y'know." Axl smiled down at his girlfriend expecting to her nod or agree with him, but her face stayed glued to the tv and her boyfriends knit together looking like she was deep in thought.
"Why, your not pregnant are you?" Axl said half serious half jokingly, it was when Riley's breath hitched and her body tensed up did Axl realise what she was hinting at,

"Oh shit your pregnant aren't you." Axl blurred out, Riley could only nod, not knowing how to respond she lifted herself from her boyfriends chest,
"Please don't be mad," She looked at him pleadingly, her eyes glossed over with tears as if she was were about to burst into tears regardless of what his were to be.
"No! I'm not mad baby.." Trying to reassure his girlfriend he wasn't mad and coming to terms he was going to be a father at the same time appeared to be difficult for the man. Axl stared at his girlfriend before placing both of his hands on her cheeks,
"I'm going to be a dad?" Axl whispered,
"Yeah.. your gonna be a dad." Riley smiled as a few tears rolled down her cheeks, happy ones of course.
"Oh my god i'm going to be a dad.."
Riley laughed into his chest and they snuggled up to each other, Riley relieved that Axl wasn't mad, and Axl absolutely overjoyed that he was going to be starting a family with the women he loved most.

"What about the band? Y'know I wouldn't want to interfere with th-" Riley began to speak but Axl was quick to interrupt her,
"Don't worry about the band, that's the least of my concerns right now, we can worry about that when we've worried about everything else yeah? Right now i just wanna enjoy this moment, nothing else, okay baby?" Axl held Riley's cheek as he spoke, she nodded into his hand, then proceeded to bury her face into the crook of his neck.

The two couldn't believe they were going to be parents, they wanted to start a family with each other they knew that for sure, but they just didn't have a time stamp for when they wanted to proceed with their future. But now it had started, their life together had officially begun, and they were so excited to see where it was gonna take them.

A/N : This one's so cheesy but i like it so oh well 🤷‍♀️


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