Slash - I'll cya later rockstar!

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My vinyl span on my record player as i applied
my dark blue eye shadow onto my eyelid, smudging it out as i lightly bounced up and down to the song. I had recently found the album 'Appetite For Destruction' in my local store and thought it looked good, the front cover featured five hot looking guys all painted as skeletons, why wouldn't I buy it? Playing it for the first time was unholy, the singer had a voice higher then a girl before puberty, amazing drums, amazing bass, and especially amazing guitars, I was honestly fascinated by them. I'd done some research and found out they were a new and upcoming band named 'Guns N' Roses', and just my luck they were playing a gig at a local venue near my house. I decided i totally needed to go, and I was gonna drag my best friend Bella with me too.

My telephone which was perched on my bed side table begin to sing, i placed my makeup palette down next to my vanity mirror and hopped over, music from the album filling every corner of my room,
"Hello this is Annabelle!" I had to shout loudly so the person on the end of the line could hear me,
"Hey Annie it's Bel!" Bel chirped from the other end of the phone,
"Heyyyyy! I'm so excited, i'm nearly ready, when are you gonna come pick me up?" I questioned, wrapping the telephone cord around my finger as i talked.
"I'll be leaving in ten! I'll be to yours, uhhh, say about twenty five minutes?" Bel answered,
"Sounds good to me!!" I laughed, "Make sure you've got your sexiest outfit on, we wanna look breathe taking!" I smooched my lips as i said so, Bel being able to tell what I was doing, and laughing along with me.
"Alright! Go carry on getting ready! I'll cya soon, love ya!" Bel exclaimed,
"Cya love ya too!" I said back.
I put the phone back on its stand, rushing back to flip the side of my record since it had finished the side it was already on.

I carried on applying the eyeshadow to my eyes, messily adding mascara, then doing my hair, making sure it looked like it had volume, then proceeded to spray a shit tone of hairspray in it. I was wearing my leather pants, which had laces up the legs, connecting the flares at the bottom, a little leather top which went down to my belly button, and showed off my breasts 😉. I made sure I had all my jewellery on, big hoops, rings, bracelets and bangles, before grabbing my denim jacket and slipping it on, i grabbed my perfume quickly spraying it all around, making sure I had sprayed enough to mask the smell of sweat I knew was going to be lingering in the air of the venue. I grabbed my maroon lipstick, quickly dragging that across my lips, before rubbing them together and puckering them up in the mirror. I'd made sure to turn my record player off before admiring myself for a few seconds until I heard my dad shout out,

"Annabelle your friend is here!" I heard him yell,
"Coming dad!" I rushed down the stairs, making my way to the front door before slipping my boots on, I said a quick goodbye to my dad, grabbing my house keys and purse, before rushing out the front door and into the front seat of my best friends car.
"Good day to you!" I said in a joking manner, Bella pretended to nod as if she were a Victorian Gentlemen, sending us into a fit of laughter.
"God i'm so exited!" Bella said,
"Me too, I wanna see what these guys look like close up! And god their music too, i was listening to it whilst getting ready, I bet ya it's gonna sound so much better live!" I squealed. The excitement of the concert had been eating me up all day.

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