Slash - I'll cya later rockstar! Pt. 2

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It had been two days since my first encounter with Slash. I had wanted to call him the second I had got home, he'd been playing on my mind since the moment I left the venue. The only problem was I couldn't pluck up the courage to dial his number into my telephone.

I now stood in my bedroom, the sun had begun to set leaving an orange glow seeping in through the clear window, the sun made my room satisfyingly warm, not too warm, but here I was sweating like I had just ran a marathon. I paced up and down by the side of my bed, the telephone resting on the wall next to my oak night stand, i bit my fingers trying to figure out what I would say when I rang him and how I would carry on a conversation. It had been about ten minutes before I finally decided to stop being such a baby and pick up the phone. And that's what I did, I dialled in his number, letting the phone rest on my ear and twirling the cord in between my index and middle finger.

I waited a while, a slight buzz sound in my ear, before I heard the other end of the line pick up and a male breathe in, I decided to speak first, assert confidence right?
"Heyyy, is this Slash..?" I questioned, trying not to sound as nervous as i was.
"Yep that's me, who's this?" He responded, my heart slightly sunk seeing as he didn't recognise my voice, but I shook it off pretty quickly,
"Hey, It's Annabelle.." I managed to squeak out, I was worried he wouldn't remember and was just going to use for me a night and throw me away like every other groupie that dotes on any and every rockstar.
"Oh hey Annie! I've been waiting for your call, what took you so long?" He seemed to cheer up when he realised it was me. A sighed in relief, the thoughts of being just another girl were washed away, and a small smile creeped onto my face.
"Sorry, I've uh- been busy with work y'know," I slightly laughed, trying to sound convincing.
"Understandable, I was uh, wondering," He began, his confident demeanour wavering slightly,
"If you wanted to come round to mine, will ours, all the guys live here but i'll make sure they won't bother us?" He finished.
"When and where?" I questioned, a smirk slightly making it's way onto my face.

I was now waiting in my room for a knock on my front door, we have decided a time that would be suitable for him to come get me, coming to the agreement that picking me up whilst my dad was out was probably best. I'd only been waiting 20 minutes or so before I heard a loud car engine out front. I sling my little purse over my shoulder, locking the door and then making my way towards the waiting rockstar.

A/N : Gonna make this a few parts seeing as i've got writers block and cant be bothered. 😭👍


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