Izzy Stradlin - Nightmares.

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Silence engulfed the room as you and Izzy lay asleep in bed. The owls outside quietly making noise, only to be heard if you fixated on it.

You were currently having a bad dream. Running away from something, you couldn't figure out what it was, but it was black and tall. You were running as fast as you could, your feet felt tired as you kept swinging your head back to try and get one glance at whatever wanted to capture you so bad. Unknown to you, Izzy had woken up from your silent protests,

Izzy rubbed his eyes, adjusting to the dark, still half asleep trying to figure out what time it could be, he turned to you, his girlfriend, to see your eyes scrunched and your head turning back and forth almost as if you were turning away and shaking your head at something.

"Mae..?" Izzy quietly whispered, "Mae wake up,"
You kept moving, still trapped in your horrid dream, you couldn't hear Izzy, so his requests for you to wake up were doing nothing. Izzy turned towards you, now putting a hand on your shoulder and one on the side of your neck,
"Mae! Wake up!" Izzy began to panic a little, realising that he wasn't doing anything helpful.

The dark mass had began to catch up with you, and your legs were going to give up soon, the hallway your were running down stretched for miles, and tears ran down your sweaty cheeks.
"Noooo!" You screamed, not realising that Izzy was also hearing this, seeing as you were talking in your sleep now as well.

Your cries and shouts were really beginning to scare Izzy, he gripped both of your shoulders and began shaking you and shouting,
"MAE! WAKE UP!" He repeated this, whilst shaking you, not violently but enough to wake you up.
Just as the black mass wrapped it's smoke around you, your eyes shot open, breathing harshly and your heart rate faster then ever,

"Oh thank god," Izzy said as he placed one of his hands on your cheek, wiping away the tears that had fallen, the other one stayed on your shoulder, almost as he was trying to keep you down so you wouldn't get up and freak out even more,
"It was just a dream, okay?" Izzy reassured you,

You nodded, gripping his arm with your hand, your other hand reached up to wipe the cold sweat that had formed on your forbears. Your eyes stayed fixed on his face, it brought you comfort knowing he was going to keep you safe.

It was just a dream.

A/N : Haven't wrote in ages sorry. 😬😬


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