Steven Adler - Can't Sleep.

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It was the middle of the night and i really couldn't seem to close my eyes and get the slightest bit of slumber. My boyfriend Steven laid totally passed out to the side of me, his chest rising and falling slowly, indicating that he was sleeping deeply. I stared up at the ceiling, my eyes felt like they were being kept open, refusing to close. The darkness that enclosed the room was peaceful, the light seeped through the curtains that were left slightly ajar, illuminating the floor in front of the window. I decided I best be productive whilst i can't, seizing the opportunity to try and get something done whilst I felt I actually wanted to.

I slowly got out of our shared bed, pulling the covers back gently, then slipping my slippers on, pulling the door open quietly before creeping out the bedroom
door. I made my way down the stairs, trying not to stand on a dodgy floor board and make the whole house creek loudly. I managed to make it to the kitchen without making too much noise, trying to decide on what to do, i saw some off my work documents lying around, since i'm a secretary for food business, may as well get some paper work done.

I sat at the kitchen table, pen in hand, and a cup of tea I had made myself off to the side of my work, taking occasional sips of it hoping it would put me in some sort of a sleepy mood. I was writing down some pointless information when I heard the creek on the stairs that I had managed to miss when walking down the stairs. I looked up through the strands off hair that had fallen in-front of my face, Steven came into view, his golden hair a mess and his face scrunched up trying to make out where i was through the poorly lit kitchen.

"I didn't wake you did I..?" I questioned in a low voice,
"No, no don't worry. I woke up when I realised you weren't in bed, panicked me a bit not gonna lie," He chuckled a bit, rubbing his eyes.
"Sorry honey. Just couldn't sleep so I thought i might as well be productive," I responded.
"Yeah that makes sense," Steven looked at his surroundings before giving his hand to me to grab, I did so and he pulled me up from my seat. He put one hand on the low of my back and the other on my waist,

"You look pretty in this light," His eyes scanned all my features, as did mine, i studied every little detail I could see, taking in his natural beauty. He looked back down at the work I had been doing,

"Looks like you've done enough, can you come back to bed now..?" He questioned, tilting his head slightly trying to hide a smile. I smiled tiredly before agreeing, him leading me back to bed by my hand.

We climbed in together, silence filled every corner of the room, all that could be heard was the light breathing let out by one another. I turned so i was facing Steven, he had already closed his eyes seeing he had to have been tired. I dragged my thumb in circles under his eye, resting my hand on his cheek as I did so. He grinned slightly, feeling safe under my touch, he pulled my closer to his so that our bodies were near stuck together. He buried his head in the crook of my neck, tangling our legs together as he breathed out onto my bare skin. He made sure his hands were resting on any exposed skin of mine, me doing the same, though it was much easier to do since he only had some shorts on. Our breathing began to slow down, indicating that we were both on the brink of falling asleep.

I was no longer wide awake, the mere touch of my boyfriend able to calm me in so many ways, I was so grateful i was able to find someone who could put such a spell on me. Just before we could both fall asleep i mumbled,

"I love you,"
"I love you too Mary.." Steven managed to whisper before both of our eyelids grey heavy.

A/N : I know I said I had like no storylines but this one was thought off very quickly and I enjoyed writing it so, hope you like it! I rlly do want you guys to leave requests though in the comments on certain chapters maybe? It would help me out a lot. 🫶


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