Axl Rose - Bully Pt.2

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Riley paced around her room, unable to fathom what she was about to get herself into. She had, for some reason, agreed to let William take her on a date. She was still utterly shocked by the way he had approached her the other day and confessed his undying love for her, out of all the people in her school, she would have never suspected the person she loathed the most would be the person to admire her the most. Opposites attract I guess.

Riley made her way over to her vanity, unsure where to start, William had arranged a date for them, he was going to pick her up in an hour, drive them to wherever he had planned, and if all went well he'd ask if she liked to do it again some time else. Riley's nerves were through the window, she wanted to look good of course but didn't know where to start. She had all her make up spread out infront her yet she felt as though she was looking at an empty table top. Unaware on what product to apply first she picked up her concealer and started applying it to the placed she felt necessary, then repeating the same with some blush, highlighter, eyeshadow and mascara. Riley was already gorgeous, although she didn't feel the same, she though she looked like any other ordinary girl, but obviously this wasn't the case, William was absolutely encapsulated by her long brunette locks, her emerald eyes that had a glint of creativity whenever she saw something she was interested in, her peach skin that was littered with light freckles, her round face which almost made her doll like, in his eyes, she was perfect.

Once Riley had finished enhancing her beauty  she walked over to her wardrobe and picked out an outfit she thought was suitable. (you guys can imagine an outfit 😁). Once she had done so she stood in the mirror, examining every little detail about herself to make sure she looked suitable, after doing so she grabbed her jewellery and slid it on, then spraying her perfume and coating her lips in a final coating off lipgloss. She slipped on her shoes before placing herself on the edge of her bed, anticipating the knock on the door she knew she would be encountering any second now.

It didn't feel like long before Riley was pulling herself onto her feet to go answer the door, she made her way over hastily, not wanting to sound to eager with heavy footsteps. She opened the door to see William stood there, one hand in his pocket and the other holding a small bouquet of colourful flowers, his hair was brushed and he had dressed some what classy. Riley automatically smiled at this, obviously being able to catch onto the fact that he had made an effort for her.

"Oh, uh, these are f-for you.." William stuttered out.
"Thank you.." Riley replied, taking the flowers William was holding out to her before taking a sniff and closing her eyes in pleasure. William watched her, in a trance from how beautiful she was.

"Lets get going, yeah?" William spoke up,
Riley nodded, placing the flowers on the table by the front door before turning and heading out, not needing to lock the door seeing as her mother was somewhere in the house, she followed William to his car before getting in the passenger side.

"Where too?" Riley piped up,
"It's a surprise." William smirked,
"Oh cmon William!" Riley laughed,
"Axl," William spoke,
"Hm?" Riley replied,
"Call me Axl, i don't really like William.."
"Alright then Axl, where are we off too?"
"Like I said, it's a surprise."
The two giggled before speeding down the road to the mystery location Axl had deemed good enough for the couples first date.

*Time skip 3 hours*

"Never in a million years did I think I would be sat in Dannie's Diner with William Rose out of all people," Riley laughed out,
"Hey, neither did I," Axl replied,
Riley smiled as she took a sip from the milkshake the couple were sharing,
"How come you want me to call you Axl?" Riley asked after a few seconds of comfortable silence,
"Don't like William, boring and just reminds me off, well, home." Axl relied cautiously,
"Oh, i'm sorry you feel like that, personally I think Axl is a pretty bad ass name," Riley replied,
"You do?" Axl asked,
"Hell yeah.."
"Can u kiss you..?" Axl asked in a whisper,
Riley only nodded before leaning into him, Axl placed one of his hands on Riley jaw and the other on her thigh, Riley placing both her hands on Axl's chest.
The two pulled away after a short while, both aware that they were still in a public place.
"I know this all seems rushed.. but, I really like you.." Axl began "And, I was wondering if you wanted to, i don't know.. be my girlfriend?"
Riley looked taken back, panicking Axl a little, before her face lit up with a smile and she nodded profusely,
"Yes!" Riley flung her arms around Axl's neck, hugging him tightly, he coped her actions, wrapping his arms around her middle, burying his head into her hair, taking in the scent he was so very glad he would be able to hold forever.

A/N : Havnt wrote in ages 😭😭 I'm half way don't with exams and then it's the summer holidays so I will defo start trying to post more! But for now I hope you enjoy this! 😁


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