Slash - Lazy Day.

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Annabelle was used to coming home and her boyfriend, Slash, not being home. He's the lead guitarist of a popular rock band for heavens sake, that's his first priority. He was at the studio from eight in the morning till nine at night, obviously drinking and doing drugs. It bothered Annabelle that he would rather abuse substances then hang out with her, but she subsided the thoughts and decided to come to the conclusion that he was always gone because of his passion for writing music, or at least she tried to persuade herself that.

Slash and Annabelle had been dating for nearly a year and half, moving in together just a few months back, they decided living with the other guys wasn't really suitable seeing as being walked in on when they were having sex isn't the most enjoyable thing. They'd bought an apartment that suited both their personalities, but it was Annabelle that spent the most time there.

It was an early Sunday morning when Anna woke up, she turned over as the sun beamed through the open blinds shining onto her face creating an orange glow. She reached out as usual and again and empty bed. She sighed, she wasn't surprised, every morning she'd have some sort of hope that she'd turned over and her boyfriend would be laying there, but as usual she woke up to an empty bed. Anna got up, making the bed in the process, fluffing up her pillows and she slipped her slippers on. Sheepishly walking to the bathroom Anna heard a bang from the kitchen, she stopped in her step wondering if it was just the neighbours or if her apartment was genuinely being broken into to. She grabbed the closest thing to her that would do some damage (that being her book on her night stand) and made her way over to the door. She opened up slightly, letting her be able to see into the corridor, again another bang, this time she jumped as she heard someone curse under their breath and began to pick up whatever they had dropped. Annabelle made her way out of the bedroom, sticking to the side of the wall, as she turned the corner her worries were settled Slash stood in the kitchen, making breakfast, struggling but trying.

"Oh my god! You scared me! What are you doing here, why aren't you at the studio?" Annabelle breathed out, relieved she wasn't going to have to try and threaten an intruder with a book.
"Day off," Slash smirked as he set down the stuff he was using to attempt to make breakfast. He moved over towards his girlfriend and embraced her, her head resting against his bare chest and his arms snaking around her waist. Annabelle reached her arms and wrapped them around his head. They looked at each other for a second before kissing each other,
"So, you got kicked out the band or something?" Annabelle jokingly laughed.
"Pffft, you wish, but no," Slash began, "Decided to stay off with you today, y'know, missed you too much." Slash rolled his eyes sarcastically making Annabelle smile.
"Aren't you romantic." They looked at each other again, mirroring each others happy expressions.

The day went by without any problems, the couple made sure they did everything a couple could possibly do, watched several movies, cuddled on the couch and danced around the kitchen together. Annabelle felt like she was in heaven, she had her boyfriend to herself for the whole day, she felt like she had won the lottery.

After doing almost everything and anything they could think off, the day came to an end. The couple in bed, Annabelle resting her head on Slash's bare chest with their legs intertwined, hands laced together taking in each other scents.
"Can you do this more often?" Annabelle spoke, quietly but loud enough to be heard, Slash breathed in then exhaling,
"I've been thinking about it, taking every Sunday off. I've realised that I miss you more then i thought, i spend to much time at the studio, and quite frankly your my girlfriend, why would i pick the studio over the women i love?"
Annabelle grinned ear to ear, burying her head in the crook of her boyfriends neck, Slash had just said everything she had wanted to hear for the longest time ever, she couldn't have felt any better.
"Thank you baby, I love you too."
Slash kisses her head, soon the two were both asleep, breathing slowed and embraced in each others arms.

A/N : A happy story! I liked writing this one, hope you like it too! 😊


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