Axl Rose - Bully?

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Riley's head shot up from her desk as her eyes tried to get a focus on what was happening around her, it took her at least two minutes to realise that the bell had rung for the end of class. Riley quickly grabbed her bag from beside her table leg and slung it over her shoulder, following the last people out of the classroom, before she could get to the door the annoying voice of her maths teacher rang through the classroom,

"Riley, may I have a word?" Her teachers high pitched voice rang in her ears. Riley spun on her heels, reluctant to look at her teachers face to see if she was about to get scolded. Riley stood in the same position, looking back at her teacher with annoyance.
"I've noticed that your grades have slipped quite significantly, not that they were that amazing in the first place." Her teacher said the second part quieter, loud enough for Riley to hear, but quiet enough for her to question if she really just said that.
"I just wanted to let you know about this, in order for you to do something to help get your grades back up." Her teacher finished, plastering a fake smile on her face.
"On your way now," Her teacher then turned back to her desk and continued to work on whatever bullshit she was trying to get done. Riley sighed, turning back to the door rubbing the bridge if her jose with her fingers, tired of everything and everyone, just wanting to get home.

She stepped out the classroom and noticed the halls were beginning to filter out, everyone was heading home and Riley was about to do so too. As she made her way towards her locker she noticed the red head she had been dreading to see. William Rose. She sighed, turning to look at her feet as she continued to her locker cautiously. Once she reached it she made sure to avoid any sort of eye contact with him, he had one arm leaned against the locker next to hers and the other one resting by his side, he had a slight smirk on his face as he looked her up and down.

"Fancy seeing you here, I was beginning to wonder if you had ran off," He stated confidently.

"Im not scared of you." Riley stated, any bit of confidence she once held was gone. William made Riley's life at school miserable, always finding ways to make fun of her and annoy her. He poked fun at her at every opportunity he got and Riley was getting sick and tired of it. Secretly William only treated Riley this way because he had the biggest crush on her, but he didn't know how to show it. His mum treated him like crap meaning he had never been exposed to real love, so how was he supposed to portray this to Riley? Riley was clearly oblivious to his feelings towards her seeing as no one treats someone the way he treats her if they like them.

"Yeah you are, you can't even look me in the eye." He responded, sniggering as he talked. Riley had grown sick and tired of his constant torment and was at her wits end with it, so without hesitation she slammed her locker door shut and turned towards William, she turned her head towards him shooting daggers through her eyes. If looks could kill he would be dead.

"What do you want from me!?" Riley exclaimed, her voice now full of confidence, her expression mirrored one of a person who was willing to give up at any second. He had never noticed the bags under her eyes, or her pale complexion or even the tiredness which swam around her pupils.

"Uh, Uhm.." William was lost for words, never in a million years did he think that she would actually speak back to him, he was lost, he had had so many mean things to say to her knowing that she wouldn't have anything to say back and now that she had finally gained the confidence to stand up for herself was he feeling helpless.

"Why do you always single me out! I don't get it! Why cant you just leave, me, alone!" Riley breathed out, it was like an invisible weight had been lifted of her shoulders and she could finally breathe, she had been wanting to say that since the first day he stated tormenting her.

"I uhm, we'll.." William tried to talk but he was lost with what to say,

"Go on! If your so big and tough give me an answer!" Riley talked back, it was like their roles had been switched, Riley was now the bigger person and William was the one who felt alone and helpless. He stared at her, confusion spread through out his face, he had come to realise why he treated her the way he did. He knew he liked her.

"Well, uhm." He began, "How do I um, well-"

"Spit it out!"

"I like you!" William blurted it out.


"I like you, and I thought if I made myself hate you and you hate me then I'll actually begin to not like you! I don't know how to show you that I like you, and I have for the longest time.."

Riley was shocked, her eyes widened and her mouth fell open, never in a million years did she think the person she considered her bully would admit he had a fat crush on her for who knows how long. Riley stayed silent, unable to find the right words to say, she felt if she did her voice would fail her and she would have to end up running away in embarrassment.

"Oh, wow.. Okay.." Was all she managed to say.

"I know, it's so random and you probably hate me, but please, i've told you the truth now, give me one chance and I can show you that i'm telling the truth. Please Riley." Williams whole expression had now changed, his face was now pleading with Riley.

"Um, well- I guess so.." She managed to stutter out, even though she hated to admit it she did. find William attractive, but she new she would never had a chance seeing as she assumed he hated her. Williams face casted over with relief, glad to know that she was willing to see the real side of him.

A/N : I hate this one cause theres no real plot and the two of them have like no real relationship but oh well.


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