Duff Mckagan - Baby.

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When Stella started dating Duff, she didn't know how long it would last, she presumed they would have fun until they both got tired of each other and then decide to go their separate ways. Obviously Stella was wrong. The couple had been dating for over five years now, Stella had met Duff in the beginning of Guns N Roses rise to fame, she knew dating a rockstar would mean putting family life on hold as well, she was wrong about this also.

The couple had found out they were expecting a few days after the new year's party they attended, quite clearly the two had celebrated a little to hard. Daisy was born in the September and was now eight months old, the two were absolutely over joyed when they found out they were going to be parents, it was something Stella had always wanted and to be experiencing it with the love of her life added the cherry on top of the cake.

At this moment Stella wanted nothing more to be at home with her boyfriend and her little girl Daisy. She was driving down the highway absolutely exhausted from her day at work, she worked as a writer for a well known music magazine and was honestly quite happy that she did, she would much rather be working as a writer then be a groupie or work minimum wage at a super market. The sun was beginning to set in the horizon of the skyline, the windows slightly open as the breeze circulated through the car. Stella focused on the road as her head naturally bobbed along to the music coming from the radio. She wasn't far from home which made her happy, she'd had a long day and she knew the only thing that would cheer her up would be her family.

Five teen minutes of driving felt like thirty, as Stella pulled into the driveway the sun disappeared behind the skyline and the stars began to litter the sky. She leaned over into the passenger seat to get her bags and belongings then proceeding to open her door and walk towards the front door. She managed to get her keys without dropping her things and push the door open with her free hand, stepping into her home she was engulfed in the familiar comforting smell and warmth which it provided. She closed the door and with her foot once she had stepped inside, making her way over to the dining table by the kitchen. Stella was so relieved to be home, work seemed to be more stressful then usual and it was obviously catching up to her, she rubbed her eyes as she realised Duff had come to welcome her home like he always did. She turned her head to make sure he wasn't behind her or asleep on the couch as she sometimes found him, but he wasn't there.

Stella took her denim jacket off and hung it up on the wall by the front door, the only sound that could be heard was the birds chirping outside and Stella's own breathing. She didn't panic about this as she knew that Duff was home, his car was parked in the driveway after all, all she had to do was figure out where he was. She made her way up the stairs and down the hallway, seeing the light peek out from the couples shared bedroom through the crack underneath the door. As she made her way towards the source of light, the sound of a quiet voice lightly singing became more distinct. Once she made it to the room she made sure to gently open the door, not wanting to frighten the occupants inside, as she did so the singing didn't halter, Stella realised it was Duff singing, and as she stepped inside she was met with a heart warming sight.

Duff stood in the middle of the room, holding Daisy in his arms, she laid her head on his shoulder and held his neck as he held her and rocked her back and forth. He lightly rested his head on top of hers, only when he noticed the door start to open did he lift it up, he smiled when he realised his girlfriend was watching them with the biggest smile he had ever seen. He smiled back at her, glad to see that his girlfriend was finally home. When Stella had realised that Duff knew she was home, she made her way into the room, closing the door with caution making sure it weren't to make any noise and wake their daughter. Once she had done so she made her way over to Duff, he was still rocking the baby back and forth seeing as this seemed to be the only thing to get her to sleep. Stella placed one hand behind Duffs head and on the other on her baby's back, she kissed Duff, taking in his scent that she had been craving all day, she then copied her daughter and rested her head on Duffs other shoulder. He made sure that his arm was safely hooked under his daughter and put him other arm around his girlfriend, resting his head on Stella's head now, appreciating the presence of his two favourite girls. He had began to hum in replacement of singing seeing as Daisy was well and truly asleep by now.

The couple stayed like this for a little while, until Stella pulled away, deciding that Duff was probably exhausted from rocking their daughter for a near hour. Stella placed a kiss to her daughters head and rubbed her back before making her way over to the dresser to get undressed. As she did so Duff went and put Daisy down into her crib, making sure she was secure before checking the windows were locked and pulling the curtains over. He turned on her little night light which lit up the room enough to make Daisy feel safe if she were to wake up. He then made his way back to the couples room to see Stella pulling her nightgown on, her face was now fresh and cleared of makeup, her hair pulled into a messy bun, he was so grateful he had her, still questioning how she had fallen in love with a messed up rockstar like him. Duff made his way over to Stella, wrapping his arms around her middle and pulling her close to him, she copied his actions and wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head in the crook of his neck, she breathed in heavily before letting out her breathe. She was madly in love with this man and was so grateful that they had their own little family together.

"I love you, so so so much, and I am so grateful that I get to share this house with you, I get to sleep next to you every night, I get to wake up next to your beautiful face, I get to come home to you and Daisy, I couldn't have asked for a better life, and I am so grateful that I get to share it with you." Duff whispered into Stella's hair as he pressed a long kiss onto the top of her head,

"I can say exactly the same, I love you more then you could ever imagine, I'm so happy I found you baby."

A/N : This was so much fun to write, this was requested so if you guys want any more stories in which you have ideas for please leave them in the comments cause i'll be happy to do them!! 🫶


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