Izzy Stradlin - I can see you staring Mr Stradlin.

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The band were sat at the Rainbow bar and grill in their usual booth, several rounds had been consumed and several packs of cigarettes had been shared. Mae had known the band since they started and she was quite close with members too, they saw her a best friend to them and honestly didn't know what they would do without her keeping them in line. She was like the mother of their group, but sexier and younger. ;)

Duff sat on the end, Mae next to him then Slash next to her. Axl sat next to Slash with a girl to his other side, his arm around her, and next to the girl sat Steven and then Izzy, meaning that Izzy and Mae were practically sat opposite each other. The whole night they had been making an ungodly amount of eye contact, something about Izzy's dark brown eyes drew Mae in, she had never seen such a good looking man before, she couldn't really believe how quiet he was compared to the rest of the band, she really expected to see girls fawning over him left right and centre, but Izzy had more self respect then that.

The two weren't as close to each other as they were to the other band members, Mae seemed to bond with the others seeing as she was always keeping them in line, but Izzy was sensible meaning Mae had less reason to talk to him, although she always wanted to. She had thought he was the best looking out of the band, his dark hair that covered his face, his doe eyes that added a sort of innocence to him, his sharp jawline and rounded cheeks, honestly she could go on and on. Izzy felt the same as well, he thought Mae was gorgeous, her long light chocolate hair which reached down the her collar bones, the way it had a natural bounce to it and framed her face made her look sophisticated which drew him in even more, her green eyes always looked like they had some glint of happiness in them, he rarely saw her looking dull. They both liked each other, but would never admit it, how would they?

The night carried on like usual, more alcohol, talking, laughing and shouting. Izzy and Mae kept up with the tension between them, although they masked it from the others seeing as they had yet to pick up on the tension themselves. It was when Mae decided to get up and take herself to the bar Izzy felt the need to follow her, a bold move, but it was now or never right? Mae stood by the bar waiting for whatever drink she had ordered, elbows leaning on the counter, eyes scanning the scenery around her, she didn't notice Izzy had followed her until he was stood at her side.

Izzy tapped the counter, motioning to the bartender he wanted his usual drink, he then let a cigarette, taking a drag and exhaling the smoke, Mae turned her head and motioned for him to let her have a drag too. He handed her the cigarette and watched as she copied his actions. He took in every feature of her face as she did so.

"I can see you staring Mr Stradlin," Mae let out a low laugh as she spoke, Izzy carried on staring, unfazed by her observation.
"I've got a right to stare, wouldn't want your pretty looks to go to waste," Izzy smirked as he said so, Mae handing the cigarette back to him.
"I could say the same thing about you Iz,"
Iz. He liked that nickname, only coming from her though. Izzy turned away taking his drink from the bartender,
"Y'know I always wondered why we don't talk as much as the other guys do," Mae stated.
"You know why, I don't need babysitting 24/7." Izzy stated, this made Mae laugh, at least Izzy knew he was doing something right.
"Your a good guy Iz, always wanted to get to know you," Mae spoke after taking a sip from her drink.
"Why don't you get to know me then?"
Mae smirked taking Izzy's shirt in her first and walking off with him.

Once they were out of sight, Mae placed her drink down, looking into Izzy's eyes, Izzy copied her actions and put his drink down, putting the cigarette out as well, the girl in-front of him was far more important. The two stared at each other for a short while before Mae decided she had nothing to lose and cupped Izzy's face in her hands smashing her lips onto his. Izzy did the same and placed his hands on her hips, deepening the kiss shoving his tongue in to her mouth, Mae gasped but soon did the same and the two were know pressed up against the wall trying to feel every part of free skin on each others bodies. It was like they had been deprived off each other their entire lives and only now were they finally reunited.

The two drew back from each other, panting and catching their breaths, they'd been going at it for about ten minutes now and were sure that the rest of the band were certain to be wondering where they were.
"They won't care will they," Mae breathed out,
"Pfft, no." Izzy smirked, "And if they do i'll make sure they don't." Izzy took the side of Mae'a face in his hand and stroked her cheek, Mae leaning into his touch.
"Your beautiful you know." It barely came out as a whisper but it was loud enough for the girl to hear him and kiss him once again.
"Come on," Mae stated wrapping one arm around Izzy's waist as he put one arm around her shoulder and the other one he took his drink. They walked back to the table sitting next to each other, receiving smirks and laughs, they themselves smirked and looked down then at each other. Mae leaned into Izzy, head resting on his shoulder, as he wrapped him arms around her shoulders and let them rest in-front of her, Mae then gripping her hands on his arms, making sure they were touching in any possible way.

The night carried on as any other night out would, but this time Mae and Izzy were able to enjoy each other without feeling any sort of tension. It was like a lost jigsaw piece had been found, and the puzzle, which was the couple, had been completed.

A/N : I had so much fun writing this one ngl, Izzy's got to be one of the fittest guys i've ever seen so that's probably why 💀. Hope you enjoy this one seeing as I rlly enjoyed it.


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