Duff Mckagan - Sunset.

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The sun shone through the open window off Duff and Stella's shared bedroom, Stella was looking though her drawers for a swimsuit to put on whilst Duff was packing a bag for the trip. The two had decided today was the perfect weather to go to the beach, the sun was sending warm rays down onto the city of Los Angeles, a cool breeze almost made it perfect. The couple didn't really get to have days together like this a lot, with Duff now being a successful musician and Stella having a full time job, so any opportunity to spend time together they took with no hesitation.

Stella had finally found a swimsuit, a strapless maroon two piece that complemented her figure, when Duff walked into the room holding the beach bag,
"I've packed sun screen, towels, sunglasses, gum, water, a book, He winked as he said this knowing Stella's favourite thing to do was read,
"Yeah that's all, I can't think of anything else," He shrugged sitting down onto the bed, he was in his swimming shorts and a black tank top, a few bracelets and rings, but apart from that he looked ready to leave for the beach,
"I don't think we need anything else, we can always stop for food as well, y'know, add another adventure to the day!" Stella smiled as she suggested the idea to Duff, she delighted to be spending a day with him, knowing how scarce it was now a days to just have some alone time.
"Sounds great babe!" Duff said as he stood up, placing his hand on the back of his girlfriend neck and kissing her forehead, Stella leaning into him as he did so,
"I'll go get changed now," Stella chirped, wanting to get down to the beach as soon as possible.

Once Stella had changed into her bathing suite, along with some little denim shorts and her flip flops, she threw the bag over her shoulder and placed her white cap onto her head. She walked out into the main living area to see Duff sat on the couch looking impatient.
"I'm reaadddyyyyy," Stella sang, Duff turned his head, looking his girlfriend up and down, admiring how nice she looked in her outfit. He smirked as he stood up to meet her by the front door, grabbing his car keys of the small table near the entrance as he did so.
"After you m'lady," He said as he opened the front door for his girlfriend, Stella laughed before stepping out, followed by Duff who locked it behind himself.

The drive down to the beach felt amazing, Duffs car was convertible, meaning Stella insisted he put the roof down and let the wind graze their faces as he drove. The radio blasted with tunes they both enjoyed, making the ride ten times more enjoyable, Stella's sunglasses rested on the bridge of her nose as one of her arms rested on the car door. Duff had one hand on the steering wheel and the other on Stella's thigh, making sure to only let go of her when he needed to ( don't want crash y'know ). 

Duff pulled into a clear space on the side of the road, making sure he had enough room to back out. The couple climbed out the car, Stella slung the bag back over her shoulder as Duff locked the vehicle. They proceeded onto the beach, hands interlocked and close to each others sides, they both had their sunglasses on now, the sun was almost blinding. The entire beach was covered in people, obviously people had the same idea as the couple did, kids were running around everywhere, other couples making out with each other as if no one was watching, as well as older couples who decided today was a nice enough day to come out and take a stroll.

The couple found a free spot and laid their towels down, the feeling off sand between Stella's toes was something she loved, she grew up in Wisconsin, so she was used to the cold winters and all the snow. Stella took off her shorts, as Duff took his tank top off,
"Aren't you gorgeous," Stella said half sarcastically half seriously, laughing as she talked as well,
Duff rolled his eyes as he pulled the sun screen out of the beach bag, which was now resting between the twos laid out towels.
"Can you get my back?" He said as he laid on his stomach, signing in relief as he felt the warmth on his relaxed body.
"Yeah of course," Stella replied, admiring her boyfriend under the yellow light, he looked so peaceful when he was relaxed, it was something she did when he was sleeping, admired his features and appreciated the fact that he was hers. Stella snapped out of the trance her boyfriend had put her into it and squeezed the sticky liquid onto her hand before rubbing it into her boyfriends back, he sighed as she massaged it in,
"Thank you baby," Duff breathed out, almost as if he was about to fall asleep.
Stella hummed in response, as she then asked her boyfriend to do the same, and he did with no hesitation.

The couple had been sunbathing for about an hour now, the amount of people there had begun to die down seeing as the couple did arrived a little late, Stella was sat laying on her stomach as she rested up on her elbows, reading the book her boyfriend had generously packed for her. Duff was sat with his legs up, arms resting on his knees, a drink he had bought earlier grasped in one of his hands. He was watching as the sun had slowly began to set on the horizon, almost putting him into a state of hallucination. Duff turned to his girlfriend, before taking the book out of her hands and marking her page for her, Stella looked over in offence, a questioning look on her face, but before she could ask Duff what he was doing, he had thrown her over his shoulder and was practically springing towards the ocean.

"Duff Mckagan! Put me down right now!" Stella shouted, trying to hide her laugh, but it was almost impossible as she bounced with every stride he took,
"Nuh Uh! We are at the beach so we are gonna get wet." Duff smirked as he said this, Stella saw his look and gave him a slight smack on the arm for being cheeky.

They reached the water quickly, Duff placing his girlfriend down once they were thigh-deep. Stella held onto Duffs arm as Duff wrapped one of his arms around her waist, they were both facing the sunset, admiring the natural beauty that nature was able to keep. The sentimental moment didn't last for long, Duff began splashing Stella, she automatically put her hands out to block the water being thrown her way,
"Duff!" She shouted out, a big grin plastered along her face.
This behaviour continued on till the sun was nearly set, the two were now completely soaked head to toe.

Stella walked over to Duff, putting her arms around his neck, looking up into his green eyes, the water reflecting onto them, making them look like they were sparkling. Duff had his hands wrapped around his girlfriend waist, body pressed against hers as he looked down, eyes flickering to her lips. Stella noticed this and decided to satisfy his needs by pressing her lips onto his, they could taste the saltwater on each other, but it made the feeling off being with each other so much better.

Once they had pleased each other enough, they both turned to watch the last bit of the sun set, setting an orange hue over the beach, the couple made sure to take a mental polaroid of the scenery around them. The sound of the seagulls, the crashing waves, the laughing people, the couple couldn't have been happier.

After walking back to their belongings, they packed up their stuff, slipped on their flip flops and made their way back to the car. They were both exhausted from their day out, Stella opened the car door throwing the bag into the bag seat before falling her the passenger seat. Duff copied and started the car before pulling out and driving to the nearest fast food restaurant. The couple used to do this often, find a place to get food from a drive thru then go eat it at a nice spot, so when Duff pulled into Stella's favourite restaurants drive thru, she knew exactly what he had planned.

The couple ordered their food and retrieved it, Duff only had to drive for five minutes before pulling into a parking lot which overlooked the beach they had just been sat at. Stella climbed over the car and perched herself on Duffs lap, they began to eat, leaning into each other, savouring the moment.
"I'm so glad we got to do this today baby," Duff spoke between mouthfuls of food,
"Me too, we should do it more often, when we have shared days off," Stella turned her head slightly to look at Duff as she spoke. He reached up moving some hair from her face, before dipping his head and kissing her. She hummed in pleasure as his ran his thumb over her cheek,

"I love you," Stella said, resting her head on Duffs shoulder, his arms wrapped protectively around her,
"I love you too, more then words could ever describe." And that's how the night ended, the couple watching as the day light faded into a dark night, stars littering the sky, cozied up to each other, nothing could have felt better then that.

A/N : Another cheesy one but again had fun writing it! 🤭


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