Duff Mckagan - Not just a groupie.

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My heels clicked down the small hallway as I scanned the names on the wooden doors, apparently trying to walk in a straight line is a challenge after getting absolutely bladdered. My hand ran across the wall as i continued to try and figure out where I was and where I was supposed to be going. The smell of cigarette smoke and liquor lingered in the stale air, several different people had walked past me none of them looking familiar, must work back here I thought. It felt like I had been wondering this corridor for hours before I finally heard the familiar laughter I heard been longing to hear. Listening to the laughter for a couple of seconds confirmed I was in the correct place, I slowly opened the door, stepping inside with a smirk on my face, eyes instantly falling of Duff's. His hair was dishevelled from the show, his bass on his legs as he spread them apart, his body spread across the sofa.


The door creeped open, our attention automatically turning to it, in Stella stepped, a cheeky smirk spread across her face, her dark eyes scanned the room before they finally met mine. She looked gorgeous. Her shirt denim skirt barely hiding her lace panties, her slutty little crop top, and her leopard print jacket lazily hanging onto her shoulders. She leaned against the door frame and she leant her head against it, the little gesture was enough to turn me on. I immediately knew she was here for me, quickly putting my bass down beside me i saluted to the guys to let them know I was leaving, they nodded and waved back as I slung my arm around Stella's waist and lead her out the room.

"How you doing handsome..?" Stella started the conversation, her head turned slightly as she looked up at me, I looked back down at her, her eye makeup smudged, the eyeliner beginning to spread under her eyes.
"Perfect now that your here," I smirked down at her, she smirked back at me, biting her lip as she tried to stay as sexy as possibly, which was easy for her, she looked sexy all the god damn time. She grabbed onto my hand as we made our way outside.

The cold air nipped at our exposed skin, our breathe becoming vapour in-front of us, we made our way over to my car, which was parked out back away from everyone's else's, for obvious reasons. I opened the door to the backseat for her like any gentlemen would, letting her get inside before climbing in myself. I'd barely even closed the door before we were all over each other. Stella had climbed on top of me, abandoning her jacket and throwing it onto the front seat, she placed one hand on the seat behind my head, the other on my cheek, slowly sliding it down onto my chest, I rested both hands on her hips, slowly rocking her against my hardness.

We'd been making out for about five minutes before she started pulling at my shirt, she lifted it off me with a little assistance, I then proceeded to do the same to her, easily taking her tank top off, leaving her in her bra.

"Can i..?" I asked mischievously, knowing she was going to say yes anyway,
"Be my guest," Stella replied, she waited for my hands to trail back up her body, I unclipped her bra from around her back, letting it fall onto my bare chest. I quickly threw it to the side, getting to work on needing her breasts with my palms as our lips met once again, working in sync.

I laid on Duffs chest, the rise and fall of it indicated he was on the verge of falling asleep. I lifted my head up, admiring him in the dim light. He opened his eyes, realising I was watching him,

"What?" He laughed a little,
"Nothing," I said, a slight smile creeping onto my lips.
"Somethings bothering you I can tell," He replied.
I sighed, realising I better just say how i'm feeling,
"Do we have to keep sneaking around and pretending this is all just for fun?" I tilted my head slightly as i spoke, Duff urged me to carry on,
"I feel like i'm not anything special, just some other groupie you keep around to have sex with all the time."
His eyes softened at my words, he knew this was going to be my reply,
"Your so much more then a groupie, Stella your amazing. These little get togethers make me realise that you mean so so, so much more then any of the other girls."
I looked away, knowing that I would smile if I looked him in the eyes, no guy had ever spoke to me like that before. He noticed I wasn't looking at him, he lifted my chin up with his index finger, forcing me to lock eyes with him. We stared at each other for a second before he spoke,

"So Stella, wanna be my girl?" Duff questioned, a genuine smile plastering his face.
I nodded enthusiastically, no longer feeling drunk and in need for sex, I felt a genuine rush of happiness from this interaction, knowing I finally had the man I had been in love with for so long and also knowing I no longer had to get drunk and feel like his personal little groupie to get any attention from him.

I lunged forward, wrapping my arms around his neck, he did the same around my waist, appreciating each others touch.

A/N : 👀😏


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