Izzy Stradlin - Don't let it bother you.

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Guns N Roses were at the height of their fame and obviously that was the worst thing imaginable to Izzy, he had left the band not long ago, sick and tired of his band mates constant abuse off substances and especially Axl's behaviour. Even though he knew this was the right idea, seeing as he had recently gotten sober and wasn't using like the others, he still had the urge to want to a part apart of it, he wasn't in fear of missing out on what the band were doing because in all honesty they weren't having any fun either.

Izzy slumped on the couch of his shared home, arm resting against the back off it, legs comfortably spread apart. He was watching his band members get interviewed about their new album. Izzy's face was stuck in a frown, his eyebrows knit together, he didn't know how to feel, jealous? annoyed? happy he wasn't there with them? He wasn't a very social person anyway so seeing the band being interviewed without him didn't faze him at all.

Izzy wasn't bothered about anything Axl was saying until he mentioned their 'past guitarist and drummer', this made Izzy's eyes open wide, as he watched Axl talk about how 'they weren't very good anyway, and their replacements are half the musicians they will ever be'. This managed to anger Izzy, he'd done nothing to the band, and here they were slating him and Steven on tv!

Izzy groaned in annoyance, reaching for the remote to turn the tv off, throwing it at the wall afterwards. This alerted the attention of his girlfriend Mae, who was sat in their bedroom, reading a book on their bed. She got up and walked into the living room, seeing Izzy in the kitchen looking for something in the cupboards,
"What's wrong? I heard a bang.." Mae said cautiously, seeing that Izzy was in an irritated mood, and she didn't want to annoy him any further,
"Yeah. Sorry. Dropped the remote." Izzy said dismissively, still searching round the cupboards.
"You sure? You seem upset, did something happen..?" Mae questioned, Izzy took a deep breathe, rubbing the corners of his eyes with his fingers.
"Axl fucking Rose happened, he just doesn't know when to stop talking, he's the biggest dick head i've ever known." Izzy said, looking Mae in the eyes as he did so.

Mae could see how annoyed he was by this, it made her upset to see him sad, he'd been through so much and for something so little as Axl rose running his mouth on tv to hurt him obviously wasn't as little as she thought it to be.

Mae walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him, putting one hand on the back of his neck and the other on his cheek, she slowly rubbed her thumb on his cheekbone, looking into his eyes,
"Don't worry about it honey, he's only shit talking you because he's disliked by everyone of his fans, by putting you down he's bringing himself up. You've gotta let it not bother you, okay?" Mae said, trying to reassure her boyfriend that it was okay, and he really didn't need to be upset about it.
"Yeah.. your right." Izzy breathed out. He put his forehead onto his girlfriends, her touch being able to calm him down.

A/N : This one's boring and short but oh well.


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