Axl Rose - Tragic.

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My father had recently passed away, unexpectedly, shocked us all. My mother had been sent into a spiral of depression with me cleaning up after her and making sure she was able to get through the day, I was always asking her how she was, yet she never asked me in return. It was hard. Really hard. My father was the rock in our family, if something was broken he could fix it, if I needed help with homework, he could do it. And now he was gone. I no longer had the parental figure I looked up to there by my side, I was honestly lost on where to go, who to turn too, I felt like I was going to turn into a worse state then my mother.

I stood in the middle on my front room, unable to process all the thoughts which were crowding my mind. My father had been dead for two weeks now, it felt just yesterday we were sat around the dinner table together, unaware that he would be taken from us so soon.

I was unable to move, I could hear the faint weeping of my mother in her bedroom through the paper thin walls, she had been non stop crying and I had done everything possible to try and make her feel better. Obviously this wasn't working seeing as today when I went to give her the anti depressants she had been prescribed she finally lashed out at me, screaming in my face about how I can't make anything better and that I can't bring my father back. She kept shouting and yelling about how she misses him so much and if I could go away to bring him back then she'd be quite alright. The words plastered my mind, I couldn't understand how she could be so terrible to me seeing as I was the one looking after her and making sure she stayed stable. It wasn't fair, I was grieving to, I was devastated, yet she completely turned a blind eye to this.

My eyes glassed over with tears as I thought of the only person I could call.

I picked up the phone, dialling his number in, I raised it to my ear with my shaking hand, trying to control my breathing and sound as normal as possible. The static noise remained for a bit until there was a slight crackle and I could hear the familiar deep breathes from the other end of the line,

"Hello, this is Axl Rose?" He began,
"H-hey Axl it's me Riley, I-i.." I struggled to talk, I couldn't speak properly, my words kept tumbling over each other as I hiccuped from crying to much,
"Woah Riley are you okay?" Axl immediately asked,
"Umm.." I hummed quietly, trying to think of a reasonable excuse. He knew my father had passed, he comforted me at the beginning but I had told him I needed time to myself, the healing journey was going to be a long one.
"Riley what's wrong?" He said a little more firmly, I was able to control my words and give him an answer.
"My mum f-finally snapped, s-she told me she'd r-rather I was gone then my f-father.." I burst out in tears again, unable to control my emotions. I was a complete mess.

I continued to cry as Axl seemed to sound taken back,
"I'm on my way." He hung the phone up before I had a chance to reply. I placed the phone back in its holder before walking over to the couch, I sat down sinking in the cushions, before grabbing a pillow and hugging it in-front of my chest. Tears ran down my pale cheeks, beginning to soak the pillow too. It had only been 10 minutes before there was a distant knock at the door. I slowly stood up, placing the pillow down as I did so, I trekked towards the front door, opening it with hesitation, I didn't want Axl seeing me like this. I was a complete mess. Before I could open the door fully Axl had already stepped inside, he only needed to take one look at me to realise I was struggling tremendously.

I was engulfed in a massive hug, one of Axl's arms snaking around my waist, the other one trailing up my back before resting his hand on the back of my head, he let me rest my head on his shoulder, burying my face in his neck. I began crying harder then I had since my fathers passing, letting all of my emotions out, wailing and yelling, as Axl held me and let me get it all out. After I felt like I had managed to cry all my emotions away, Axl picked me up and took me to my bedroom. Locking the door behind him he placed me down on my bed, he opened up the blanket before letting me crawl inside, he did the same after me, letting me move so I had my entire body pressed against him. He held me close to him, making sure I was reminded that I wasn't alone.

We fell asleep like that, in each others arms, I had felt better then I had since the tragic event, and was grateful that Axl knew exactly how to make me feel that way.

A/N : Nothing to say about this one just that its basic but good, enjoy 👍.


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