Tanker Trouble

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Layton, is a disagreeable tanker. He's bigger, and older than the rest of the milk tankers. He always complains, and often finds himself shutting on the brakes for any engine he goes out with. Most of the engines on Thomas' branchline know Layton, and how to deal with him. However, the mainline engines do not. One morning, Rolly was waiting for Percy at the junction. He was late, and Rolly couldn't leave without some of Percy's milk trucks.
"Where's Percy!?" Rolly snapped! "Little engine has been late more times than I can count!"
At last, Percy arrived. He was red in the face! But he wasn't tired!
"THAT STUPID LAYTON!" Percy snapped! "He's always holding ME up! And I assume you're going to berate ME for being late!"
"Exactly." Rolly replied. "Percy, you need to learn how to handle trucks better!"
He continued. "Layton is just like any troublesome truck! Just a good bump should do the trick!"
"That's not how it works!" Snorted Percy! "Milk is a delicate cargo! Bump it too hard and you'll churn it into butter! And I know I for one do not want to explain why some shops won't be receiving their requested cargo!"
"I don't want your excuses!" Rolly snapped! "Now hurry up and shunt my trucks!"
Percy scowled, and began to shunt his trucks. While he was getting them into place. An idea struck him. Percy snickered.
"Enjoy the mainline, Layton." He said. Layton, who was still grumbling, took no notice. Percy shunted the three milk tankers onto the back of the train. What Rolly didn't notice was that Percy had added Layton onto the back of Rolly's train! The guard blew her whistle, and Rolly snorted away! Percy smiled. "Good luck!"
He called.

At first, Rolly was going well. The trucks were behaving themselves, mostly because Layton was asleep. However, not long after they rolled through the radio station, trouble arose. One of the trucks, in it's infinite wisdom, decided to hold back! Rolly bumped it! Hard! Layton woke with a start!
Layton shouted and swore, but nothing helped! Rolly heard the commotion, but couldn't figure out where it was coming from!
"Smarten up back there!" He shouted! And banged the trucks! Layton jolted! This set off his old brakes! They came on with a scream!
"Shut up!" Rolly barked! And bumped the trucks more! "NO MORE TRICKS! NOW!"
"Hold on old boy!" Cried his driver! "You smell that!?"
The stoker sniffed the air.
"Yeah, it kinda smells like a..."
"FIRE!!" Rolly cried! Sure enough! Layton had caught alight! Black smoke billowed from the banshee! Rolly and the train came to a hult! And Rolly's crew set to work putting out the fire.

Percy was resting at the junction. He had just shunted his stone trucks away, and was enjoying a rest. When the statonmaster came running up!
"One of Rolly's tanker wagons has caught fire!" She explained! "We need you to help clear the line!"
"Uh-oh.." Percy set off with the workmen. When he arrived, he found the fire was put out. Layton wasn't too badly hurt, but he was carrying on like never before!
Percy rolled sheepishly, to the now still Rolly.
"Shut up!"
"Alright." Percy worked hard to clear up the mess. He shunted Layton to the back of the train. And once again, rolled alongside Rolly.
"To be fair." He said. "I did tell you-"
"FUCK OFF!" Rolly snapped! Percy didn't flinch.
"Milk is a precious cargo." He replied. "I hope you enjoy explaining why some of it's beyond gone.."
The two fell silent.
"Also, you smell awful."
"What about your guard?" Rolly retorted!
"Touchie." Percy replied. "Enjoy The Fat Controller's earful."

He didn't. The Fat Controller was not best pleased with all the spoiled milk. And ordered Rolly to only take milk for the next few weeks. Rolly hated it. Luckily, Layton was still being mended, so he didn't cause any trouble for the disgruntled twin. Rolly now despises Percy, and the milk train. He thinks they're vulgar. However, he does take extra care. Otherwise, he'll stink up the mainline worse than Thomas' line!

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