Backwards Brewer

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A few days later, Brewer saunted out of the works shed. The Fat Controller was waiting for him.
"How are you, Brewer, was it?" He asked.
"That is correct sir." Brewer replied. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
The Fat Controller shook his head. This was all too formal for him.
"You'll be on passenger trains until I fully know what to do with you." Brewer smiled.
"Of course sir!" Brewer beamed. "Whatever you need."
The Fat Controller pulled up his phone, examining the contacts.
"I'll get.... Adaline, Tamika and Anastasia to be your permanent crew." He explained. "Treat them well."
"Yes sir, of course sir." Brewer replied. "I'll be off then."
And he shuffled away.

The other engines were rather curious.
"A war engine eh?" Rick sneered. "Those engines were always pedantic!"
"I was given an extra special role!" Brewer explained. "I was the engine in charge of the evacuation trains!"
The other engines were sceptical.
"Oh, which war?" Cub perked up.
"In fact!" Brewer ignored Cub's question. "I even once took a train while running backwards! I even had bombs dropping all around me!"
"Did ye noow?" Donald snickered. "How amazin lad!"
Brewer beamed with pride! What he didn't know is that Donald was joking.
"Oh yes!" He huffed proudly! "Backwards Brewer they called me! A credit to the War Department!"

The next morning, Brewer shuffled into the big station, to find Cub, sat off the rails, his tender sat in the turntable well.
"Get out of me way!" Brewer barked! "I need to turn around here!"
"I can't exactly go any further." Cub blushed. "You'll have to take your trucks backwards."
Brewer's crew were a little concerned.
"It's not ideal for any tender engine to travel backwards.." His stoker said. "You remember what happened to Benson last month?"
"WELL!" His driver squealed. "Not much we can do!"
"Besides! They didn't call me Backwards Brewer for no reason!" Brewer huffed! The stoker tried her best to convince everyone. But had to admit defeat when the guard told her, in no uncertain terms.
"We need to go, now." Reluctantly, Brewer was coupled to his train.
"You seem a tad nervous!" Cub called. "Perhaps another-"
"I'll be just fine! Thank you!" And Brewer snorted away! Cub watched Brewer with great suspicion.

Brewer clattered down the line. He hated to admit it, but not being able to see the track ahead of him wasn't the most comforting thing in the world. Not far from the junction, there is a brief field. Families like to have picnics there, so, The Fat Controller had set up a fence along the line. It was rather distinct. However, what the engines knew it for, was how tricky the line could be to traverse. Of course, because Brewer was new, he didn't know. As he rounded the bend, he and his crew were unaware how much trouble they were really in! Suddenly, there was a crack!
"OOH!" Brewer yelped! His tender suddenly leapt off the rails! His crew slammed on the brakes! But it did no good! Brewer's tender ploughed into the fence! Coming to a firm stop off the line!
"Told you." Muttered the stoker.

The fence was smashed, and the tender was firmly dug into the soil, meaning Brewer could go no further. His crew phoned ahead, and soon, Donald arrived with the breakdown train. Brewer's stoker was very cross!
"This wouldn't've happened if you weren't such a storyteller!" She hissed! "Now, you'll need your tender mended!"
Brewer didn't reply. He just looked meekly at his buffers.
"Aye, I thought they called ye wee Backwards Brewer." Donald snickered. Morris took the trucks away, and Donald helped Brewer back on the rails. When Brewer returned home that night, the other engines all seemed to be facing away.
"Cunts." Brewer Grunted.

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