Morris the Mud Maker

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It had been raining hard for what seemed like weeks! The once bright and vibrant countryside seemed to be littered with dark brown patches. They stuck out like an eyesore as the engines went about their work. One cold and damp afternoon, Duncan fused onto the radio station! Brimming with rage! Morris was collecting trucks as Duncan clanked in!
"That stupid cutting!" Duncan snorted! "It's such a bloody eyesore for the passengers! It's not dignified for an engine like me!"
"Just be lucky we still have rails to run on." Morris smiled. "Imagine if you were in the smelters yard. Then you'd be wishing you had rails at all!"
"News flash fuck-o!" Duncan snapped! "I have! And I can confidently say, this is worse!"
Morris was taken aback.
"Why don't you go play in the mud!? If you love it that much!" Added Duncan. "None of us would miss ye constant 'lucky' schpeels!"
Duncan's guard blew her whistle, and the green engine quickly sauntered away! Morris was speechless!

Duncan had every right to complain.. Somewhat. While the cutting was dreadful to look at, it had become incredibly dangerous! Marytin and the workmen had been inspecting the cutting for some time.
"The constant rainfall has loosened some of the soil." Marytin's guard explained. "It's best we put up speed restrictions. Just in case."
So, they did. Once again, the mainline found themselves in the grip of another set of speed restrictions! Of course, this put Duncan in a worse mood. Morris, determined to get through to him, tried to consolidate Duncan.
"Just remember, we're all so lucky to be here!" Morris would say. Duncan would always just rudely blow steam at him!

Then, one day, it happened! Dominic was taking a goods train to the works station, and had to pass through the cutting. Dominic rumbled through! He gave one long blast of his whistle, and was gone in a flash! No sooner was Dominic out of sight, when there was another rumble! But it wasn't from another engine, it was from the cutting! In seconds, the whole line was covered in mud! Luckily, the signal operator had seen everything! And quickly changed all signals to red! But he was too late to catch Morris' goods train! Morris had a brake tender in front of him, which one would argue was blocking his vision. But he was still thinking about Duncan.
"There must be a way to get to him!" Morris thought! "There must be!"
As they rounded the bend, the mudslide came into view!
"STOP! STOP!" Cried Morris! His driver applied the brakes! But Morris only skidded along the wet rails! His driver and engineer lept for safety, and Morris ploughed into the mud! The brake tender was flipped onto it's side, and Morris was tossed off the rails and up the mud pile! His trucks piling up behind him! His engineer scalded him severely!
"Look at my nails!" She shouted! In between Spanish curse words! "This wouldn't have happened if you were paying attention!"
The guard placed red oil lamps along the line, and the driver phoned for help.

In no time, Donald and Duncan arrived with the cranes. Morris was sure Camila had called Duncan out of spite.
"What a mess!" Donald's driver boggled the crash scene! "I didn't know an engine could make so much mud!"
"Morris the mud maker ey?" Morris' guard snickered. Duncan had more to say.
"You're so lucky the brake tender took the brunt of the impact!" He mocked. "Sadly, it doesn't make up for your incompetence! At least you still have rails to run on! Opps! I forgot! You need repairs!"
Morris went red with embarrassment. Donald took the trucks and Duncan took Morris to the works. Luckily, Duncan had ran out of jokes. So the whole trip was very quiet. Much to the red diesel engines delight.

As punishment for his lack of attentiveness, Morris was placed on the maintenance trains. Although he tried to stay optimistic, his joy would always be flattened as the other engines would pass by.
"Just be lucky we still have rails to run on." They would say. "Imagine if you were in the smelters yard. Then you'd be wishing you had rails at all!"
Morris wished he would be scrapped then.

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