Layton Learns a Lesson

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In a moment of pure genius on Toby's behalf, Layton was now on the mainline. He moaned incessantly about doing anything! If an engine was going too fast, complaining! If someone was going too slow, complaining! No matter what anyone did, Layton always had something to complain about! And to make it worse, the speed restrictions had been put into place.
"He doesn't seem to have a positive bolt on his rusty old body!" Patrick sneered! "It's disgusting!"
"Someone ought to teach him a lesson!" Donald snapped! "He doesn't even give Dougie and I respect!"
"Not even setting him alight seemed to change anything.." Rolley added. "It's almost like he's irredeemable!"
"I wouldn't be shocked if he is!" Growled Patrick! "He should just be cut up for scrap! Who needs him!?"

The next morning, workmen were seen inspecting Layton.
"What's the fuss?" Asked Chattem.
"Layton's brakes have locked up." Explained the yard foreman, mopping her brow. "We'll have to put him onto the out of use sidings."
Chattem agreed and did. Layton yelling and screaming the whole way!
"I already do.." Grumbled Chattem, and quickly shunted away. Not long later, Peter came rumbling in to collect some trucks. He found his train was missing a tanker!
"Where can I find a spare tanker?" He asked himself. The only tanker he could reach was Layton.
"Hmm. He looks a bit rusty.." Murmured the stoker. "But I suppose he'll do."
Now, Peter wasn't accustomed to Layton like everyone else, he didn't know how genuinely abhorrent Layton's attitude was. Layton was, now, feeling very comfortable. And shouted and swore incessantly!
"Goodness!" Peter murmured. "What a horrid wagon!"
"Nothing you hadn't dealt with!" His driver soothed. "Now, come on!"
Peter, for the most part, ignored Layton's temper tantrum. It wasn't long before Peter's guard blew her whistle, and Peter set off! Not long later, Chattem returned with some workmen, to find Layton was gone!
"Donald!?" Barked Chattem! "Have you seen Layton!?"
Donald was resting nearby, and had seen Peter set off. He explained as much. When he was done, Chattem was smiling.
"Should we stoop 'im?" Donald asked. Chattem chuckled.
"No." He replied. "I want to see how this goes."
Donald gave Chattem a grave look. But said nothing, as he set off to fetch his own train.

Out on the mainline, Layton was horrendous!
"Wow! He's really loud back there!" Peter puffed with exacerbation!
"Too loud!" Snapped the driver! Banging her horns on the cab wall! "More steam!"
She ordered to the driver, who put on speed! Peter roared into life! And he rumbled forward! His puffs echoed throughout the valley and through the stations! However, because Peter himself was so loud, he didn't hear Layton's brakes come on! Nor did he hear the guards frantic whistle! At last, something gave way! Peter came puffing and snorting to where Marytin and the workmen stood!
"JESUS CHRIST!" Cried Marytin! Peter rumbled past, as the screaming Tanker hit the points, he finally gave way! His wheels came flying off in all directions! Spilling spoiled milk all over Marytin and the workmen! But there was worse to come! In the crash, Layton had bowled into a tree, which was in the middle of being cut down, and the tree quickly collapsed! Sending branches and leaves everywhere! Once the sawdust and milk settled, Martyn and the workmen examined the scene before them.
"Well..." Said Marytin's driver. Scratching her head. "That's that then."
"The other engines are going to have a field day with this." Marytin groaned.

Peter made it to the next station, before he was flagged down!
"Ya lost half ya train!" The stationmaster cried!
"Oops.." Peter said. "The other engines won't be pleased."
And he thought he was right, when train delays were put into place for the rest of the day, while the disgusting concoction was cleaned up. But, when Peter returned home, he found a chorus of cheers and whistles greeting the big engine!
"Welcome home laddie!" Douglas cried!
"My hero!" Percy shouted!
"A credit to the railway!" Gordon added. Peter was very overwhelmed.
"But... But..." He finally got out. "I blocked the line, I caused the delays that plagued us for the rest of the day."
"Like we care!" Borris snapped! "You got rid of Layton!"
"What?" Peter was very confused. "What's a Layto-?"
He then remembered the tanker, the one that had been making such a fuss for the whole journey. It all made sense to the big purple engine in that moment.
"Ooooh." He said. "That's Layton."
Sadly, the engines were wrong. Layton was not gone. The Fat Controller ordered Layton to be mended. He was swiftly mended, and sent back to Thomas' line. Layton, is an unchanged wagon. Still the same old sailor mouth, same old awful attitude. Only now, whenever Peter rumbles through the junction, Layton falls dead silent.

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