The Watching Eyes

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"And so! The engine vanished into the tunnel! Never to be seen again!" The other engines looked at Terry with great suspicion.
"Terry." They told him. You wouldn't know a good or convincing ghost story, if it came and threw your tender off the rails!"
Terry let off steam angrily!
"Rubbish!" He hissed fiercely! "You lot are just too particular! I hope you all see a ghost yourself!"
"I wouldn't say that." Cut in Gordon, gravely. "You wouldn't want a visit from the watching eyes."
"The.. The what?" Terry raised an eyebrow. "Go on big man."
"Well." Began Gordon. "Legend has it, that if you wish for something particularly negative around this time of year, that person or engine will get a visit from the watching eyes. However."
He paused impressively.
"This means you too will get a visit."
"PAH!" Terry burst out! "Watching eyes indeed!? What rubbish! If they are real, I hope you all get a visit!"
Truthfully, Terry was a little spooked by Gordon's story. He set off to take the night train, with much huffing and whooshing!

Meanwhile, in the harbour, there was trouble. Rolt was having engine troubles.
"It's about time we get this bothersome engine looked at." His engineer told him. The harbour manager wasn't all too happy.
"Shunt him into the sidings." She sighed. "We'll bring some mechanics in the morning."
"We don't have all night!" Rolt grumbled. "Can't we just mend it here?"
"We can certainly try!" His driver smiled stupidly. So, Rolt was shuffled into one of the sidings, away from the light.

An hour later, Terry came backing in. His eyes darted anxiously around the harbour, making sure there was no one in sight. Only some workmen dotted the scene, but nothing else. Terry shuddered.
"Calm down old boy!" His driver soothed. "What's wrong?"
"Oh, nothing! Nothing at all!" Terry replied. He trailed off, hearing the sounds of metal clicking. "What's that!?"
He asked. His crew were confused too.
"I don't know." His stoker replied. "Let's go and investigate."
Terry really didn't want to.

Rolt's engine was close to being finished!
"Okay." His engineer said plainly. "Try now?"
The driver turned the key, but still, nothing worked.
"NOPE!" She squealed. "TURN IT THE OTHER WAY!"
Sabrina shook her head, but did as Chemical asked. After a few moments, Sabrina lifted a thumb up.
"Try again." At that moment, Terry came creeping in. He hadn't time to pick up on anything, as all of a sudden, Rolt's engine roared into life! Two bright beams of light burst into Terry's eyes! He was petrified!
"IT'S THE WATCHING EYES!" He wailed! His driver threw him back as fast as she could! Terry bolted through the harbour at breakneck speed! Suddenly!
"OH GLORY!" Cried his stoker! Terry's goods train stood only a few hundred yards behind them! "LOOK AT THAT!"
Terry's brakes came on with a groan! But it was too late! Terry hit the trucks with a resounding CRASH! Terry had his eyes closed tight!
"I beg your pardon!?" Terry opened his eyes sheepishly, to find not a pair of giant eyeballs, rather, a grouchy looking diesel. "What did you go running away for!?"
Terry's eyes widened as it clicked in his smokebox. His crew explained the whole story, when they were done, Rolt had a stupid looking grin on his face.
"Well, technically, you did have some watching eyes." Rolt smirked. Terry went red in the face!

The Fat Controller paced in the yard. He smiled to himself, as Donald shuffled in with a train of trucks from the other railway.
"Is it true?" He said. "What Amber told me?"
"Aye sir." Donald replied, his eyes flicked back to a flatbed on the back of his train. "Take a wee gander yeself."
The Fat Controller strolled up the the flatbed. Eyeing the contents carefully.
"With Terry's accident, the mainline is in need of some extra help." He lifted the tarpaulin carefully, running his hand along the rusted shell. "What's your name?"

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