Dirty Detail

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(Also ignore what this one says, it was also written by Truck of Fuel, I just forgo to fix it post production the dumb fuck that I am.)

The cutting along the mainline was under thurrer maintenance, parts of the cutting were being dug away, it was important, and long trains of spoil would be shifted across to the harbour. The Fat Controller needed an engine to cover the trains, so, to his horror, Marytin was given the job.
"Your size and strength are perfect for the job!" The Fat Controller told him "I trust you'll prove most vital to the role."
And with that, Martin became the joke of the sheds.
"Imagine shifting dirt!" Leonard howled "Some rotten luck you have!"
"First maintenance trains, now this!" Henry guffled! "Whatever poor job is next!"
Martin scoffed crossly, he was about to reply when Harold backed in, he had heard everything
"A train that matches your mouth!" He yawned, giving the tank engine a smug look. "Do the rest of us a favour, if you are going to play in the mud, at least keep quiet about it, the passenger's don't need to hear your foul mouth all the time."
Marytin's steam pressure shot up abruptly
"Oh! If you had to hop between maintenance trains and shunting, maybe I'd let you open your rotten mouth!"
"All I'm herring is OINK OINK!" The sheds erupted into laughter and pig noises, Marytin was red in the face, and very cross.

Sadly for the tank engine, his way of life didn't improve, as a few days later, the rain came. It made the railway wet and slippery, in the times when the sun was out, the engines still struggled with the slippery rails. Even then, Marytin was still the tail lamp of every engine's joke. After a particularly strong burst of rain, Harold was waiting at the airfield station for the signal to change to green, Fury was late due to the weather, it wasn't long before the red beast arrived!
"The cutting was a mess, couldn't avoid any sort of delay." He snarled, Harold sighed.
"It's fine, I'll make up for lost time." Fury stopped, eyeing the black engine up and down.
"And... how do you plan on doing that?" Harold scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. "I might be a goods engine, but I am fast, almost as fast as Gordon!"
"So... you're going to speed?"
"... yeah."
"DON'T BE DAFT!" Fury snapped! "The rails are slippery! What if you're sent into some buffers, or worse, a passenger train!"
"Oh please!" Harold barked back! "I have more brakes than anyone else here! If anyone can stop in time it's me!"
"And how on earth did you convince your crew to even pity your daft little plan!?"
"Easy." Harrold smirked. "Convinced Jack to give em... Special favours."
And with that, the signal changed, and Harold snorted off!
"Besides! How hard can it be!?"

Further up the line, Marytin was readying to leave with the next train, due to the rain, which had now subsided, the dirt was wet and far heavier, as his guard blew the whistle, Marytin tried to set off, but his wheels just spun in place
"Come on! Come on!" Marytin cried, he puffed and panted, but nothing seemed to help, he even tried dropping sand, but even then, the train didn't even move at a snail's pace, the guard ran up to the cab.
"We'll have to split the train up, so we can at least get it moving."
"But April!" Marytin moaned. "If the other's see that! I'll be a laughing stock! Again!!"
His guard shook her head.
"It's what needs to be done." The tank engine's face fell.
"Great!" He murmured. "How can this get any worse?"
At that moment, they heard a whistle.
"Ah.. That's how... Me and my fuckin mouth."

Harold was running well, the trucks were coming quietly, and he was finding the faster run much more to his liking
"Now this!"
The big engine roared
'Is what a proper engine can do! Not like that pig on spoil trains!'
His jokes were quickly interrupted by the sight of a red signal, Harold driver applied the brakes! His wheels locked, but he found himself sliding on the wet rails, suddenly he saw what was ahead! Marytin's guard had uncoupled half the train, and Marytin was about to leave with the first half!
"STOP!!" He cried! Harold's crew leapt for safety, just in time! With a sickening crash! Harold smashed into the trucks, destroying the first few, before being thrown off the rails, and smashing into the embankment, his trucks piling up behind him! Luckily, Marytin had gotten clear and alerted the nearest signalman, who raised the alarm.

It didn't take long for Edward to arrive with the cranes, Harold was lifted back onto the rails, and taken to the radio station for a full inspection. Luckily, Harold wasn't damaged, and he was swiftly steamed up, he felt very embarrassed, he watched as Marytin pulled into the station, neither said a word. At last, Fury arrived, with The Fat Controller!
"Well" Fury smirked, trying to hold back laughter. "How'd that work out for you?"
"... I couldn't stop." Fury burst into bellowing laughter, that seemed to echo across the island, Harold was furious, and didn't see The Fat Controller approach Marytin.
"The accident wasn't your fault." The Fat Controller soothed "Rain made the soil heavy, and Harold was speeding, and couldn't stop in time, I'm just glad no one was hurt."
Marytin looked sheepishly at his buffers, The Fat Controller continued. "I'll be moving you onto normal goods trains, a good way to break up the monotony of your work."
"But sir!?" Marytin gasped. "Who'll look after the spoil trains?"
The Fat Controller chuckled.
"Don't worry, I know the perfect engine..."

And so, Marytin was back on normal goods trains, he found the work much better, and enjoyed the change of scenery. As for Harold, once he returned from the works, he was placed on spoil trains, he hated it, and would always complain, however, everytime a engine passed him, they always all seemed to oink at him!
"Little piggy playing in the mud!" They would always say. Harold only continued to seeth!

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