Twisted Track and Wobbly Wheels

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(Written by Truck of Fuel, forget what the text says, I'm just a fucking idiot.)

The hot sun had been bending the rails all across the railway, it had only been getting worse, and one morning, Tango found himself off the rails. He slunk sadly into the station, where Robert was waiting

"About time you showed up!" He snapped! "My coaches are filled to the core with passengers, I can't be left waiting for you all afternoon!"
"I was derailed by buckled track.." Tango explained "It wasn't my fault, I promise you! Just some unforeseeable issue!"
The big guffled loudly
"You see, if you were a passenger engine, you would've had the forethought to be more careful, and look out for trouble!"
"Hang on!" Tango cried "You were replaced with Royal Scots right!?"
"And what about it!?" Robert began to back-track! "This has nothing to do with-"
"And you were the last of your class?"
There was a long pause
"Well, Lila told me back then that the last of your type was placed on goods details! So that must mean!-" Before he could finish, Robert snorted away, in a pile of steam! As he did so however, he felt his wheels wobble violently!
"Did ye feel that?" Questioned his driver, Robert paused for a moment.
"No." He said, plainly, as he carried on.

The next morning, it only seemed to get hotter and hotter, and Robbert was having trouble making up steam.
"Mind you keep on the rails today!" He called to Tango obnoxiously.
"Mind you get steamed up!" Edward quipped, passing by, Robert seethed in anger. It took some time to get him steamed up, by the time he was ready, his crew had given him a full inspection.
"Something must be loose!" His stoker fussed. "We could hear an odd rattling last night, are you sure you're alright?"

"Never better." Robert said, darkly, secretly, he was rather worried. Once he arrived at the big station, he was coupled up to the coaches, the guard approached the two idling.
"We got a call from Jack, some track is in poor shape near the junction on the up line, it's best you take care"
"Must goo a wee bit slower lad" The driver sighed, placing her elbows on his tender, however, the big engine didn't reply. At last, the whistle blew, and Robert snorted away
"Come on! Come on! Come on!" He panted, the train was much heavier than usual, so he struggled to get a grip, but once he did, he had no trouble making up good speed.

He was thundering along, making remarkable time, that was until they neared the junction, instead of slowing down, Robert started picking up speed
"Slow down!" His driver and stoker called, but Robert was too busy thinking about what he'd say to Tango, that he wasn't watching where he was going!
"I'll show that Tango how to handle some silly track!" At last it came into view, and Robbert whistled loudly! Everything happened at once! He rushed over the bent track with a clang! He felt a loud pop echo through his frames!
"Slow down!" His stoker called, Robert, for once, listened, as he started to slow down, something large and black bounced past him!
"What on earth!?" He cried! "Is that my wheel?"
All the breaks came on, and the train came to a sudden, shuddering stop. Once he had, the driver and fireman inspected his front. Sure enough, one of his front wheels had come clean off, and was gone in the shrubs!
"That's that then!" The driver sighed "We'll go for help!"

Robert sat for a while, thinking about how silly he had been, at last, he heard a whistle, to his horror, Tango rolled slowly along side, but to his surprise, Tango was smiling
"Things like this could happen to any engine!" He said kindly "You just need to know when it's time for a rest!"
Robert gave a small smile in reply, Tango knew what he meant.
"Let's get your passengers home!" He whistled "Can't have them standard!"
Robert didn't say a word, he had a lot to think about.

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