Pearls Good Luck Charm

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Good luck charms are, shockingly, not just charms. But a special item that the user believes brings them good luck.
"I believe Annie and Clarabel bring me good luck." Thomas explained to Mavis. "But they aren't objects."
"Well. You bring me good luck." Replied Mavis. "But you aren't an object either."
The shed was the biggest hub to talk about these supposed objects.
"No, NO!" James burst out! "That Midnight poster does not count as a good luck charm!"
"Why not!?" Rodrick protested! "It brings me good luck!"
"You're meant to carry it with you at all times!" James retorted. "Idiot!"
"Hold on." Dudley interrupted. "Why are we having this discussion exactly?"
"Pearl." Oliver replied. He was right. The reason the engines had been having their talks of good luck charms, was because of Pearl, Oliver's driver. Who had found a funny looking rock on the beach. She had been boasting about it to anyone she could find. Even worse, was she had been right. Ever since she'd found the rock, nothing but good things had happened to her, and her co-workers. Poor Grace, the stoker, was facing the brunt of the boasting.
"Pearl. I get that it's a nice item and all.." The stoker said. "But please. Stop talking about the rock."
"NO!" Pearl replied, over enthusiastically. "It's my special rock! And I love it to bits!"
"Jack!" Oliver begged, looking at Donald's driver frantically. "Help!?"
"She'll find another hyperfixation." Donald's driver replied. "Patience."
"I dinne know how much they have left!" Donald replied.

Donald had been asked to help out along Duck's line, only for a few days, to bring ballast down from the mines, and drop it off at the big station. It was a large order, too big for either Duck of Oliver to handle. One morning, Oliver reached the top station, and was waiting for his trucks to be loaded, when the stationmaster came hurrying over.
"Donald's running late." She explained. "Could you please bring some of the ballast trucks down from the quarry?"
"Of course!" Oliver replied. And, in no time, Oliver had returned from the quarry. Once they're shunted the trucks away, Pearl hopped down from the cab, eager to show the stationmaster her rock.
"Look! Selena!" She announced! "It's brought me good luck!"
"Has it?" Replied the stationmaster, unenthusiastically. "Just put that thing down, and fill out some paperwork! Please!"
Pearl unhappily sauntered away, leaving her rock on a nearby barrel. Oliver puffed over the the nearest water tower. As the stoker began filling him up. Donald backed down the siding!
"Sorry I'm leate!" Donald cried! "There was a point's failure at!-"
Everything seemed to happen at once! All of a sudden, Donald's tender jolted violently! In a second, it came toppling off the line, crashing onto the barrel!
"Loch sake!" Donald yelped! "I wasn'e expectin that!"
The stationmaster and Pear came hurrying out! Pear was mortified!
"MY FUNNY ROCK!" Pear cried!
"Bother that rock!" Oliver replied. "What about Donald's ballast train!?"
"You'll have to take it." Replied the stationmaster.
"Not a chance." Oliver's stoker interrupted. "Oliver isn't strong enough."
"He'll have to." The Stationmaster explained. "Duck's unavailable, and the ship leaves at five."
The stoker shook her head.
"Do you think you can do it?" She asked.
"I'll give it a good go." Replied Oliver. Donald's crew exchanged information.
"Be careful." Donald's driver explained. "The trucks can be heavy. I doubt they'll push you down the line, but they might be too heavy alone."
Pearl didn't reply. She was heartbroken! Her funny rock was gone, in a dash! Oliver had enough!
"Pearl, get over the stupid rock!" Oliver burst out! "There's no luck! And we certainly won't have any issues with this lot!"
Pearl's eyes only continued to water. No matter how hard Donald's driver tried to comfort her, Pearl didn't get any better. To make things worse, Toad had to stay behind. Oliver was still confident.
"Don't need some dart rock!" He snorted! "And if we don't need a rock, I don't need Toad!"
"Suite yourself." The stationmaster said. "But take my advice. Pin down brakes."
Oliver didn't reply. He was soon at the front of the train, and with the call of the guards whistle, Oliver was off. Donald and his crew watched Oliver struggle out of the yard, and onto the open line!

At first, things were well, mostly. Pearl was still beside herself! And the trucks were heavy! Oliver struggled along, with his patience only thinning!
"COME ON! COME ON!" He growled through gritted teeth. "NO NONSENSE!"
The trucks mumbled something out in reply. At last, they reached the top of a steep gradient. This is where trains usually stop to pin down brakes. But, as Oliver tried to stop, the weight of the loaded trucks became too heavy for him! His crew fought for control! But it was too late! Oliver was tossed down the hill!
"HELP! HELP!" Oliver whistled! The trucks all screamed and shouted behind him! A sharp bend lay ahead! Oliver shut his eyes! His crew leapt for safety, as Oliver overbalanced! Oliver and his trucks went tumbling down the embankment! Only coming to a stop once he lay on his side, sprawled out over the beach! His crew huddled around him.
"So!" Pearl said, definitely! "There's no luck, huh!? Than explain this!?"
"Freak accident." Oliver feebely replied. The guard soon joined them.
"I've just gotten off the phone with The Fat Controller." She explained. "We won't be able to rescue Oliver until low tide."
"I wish we still had that rock." Oliver grumbled.

It was dark by the time cranes came to rescue Oliver. He was too cold, and stiff to move by himself! Donald brought the flatbed.
"We're lucky his tender wasn't damaged." His driver said. "And even more lucky, that this wasn't."
He handed Pearl a small box. And in this small box, was her rock!
"Turns out it wasn'e crushed by me tender!" Donald smiled. "It was just swept under it!"
"I just thought you might need it." Pearl beamed!
"Oh thank you!" She cried! Donald turned to Oliver.
"So? What do ye think about wee good luck charms now, eh?" Oliver only smiled.
"I really could've used one myself." He replied.

Pearl still has her funny rock! Mostly. While Oliver was being mended, she broke it up, and used it to make a special bracelet, which she gave to me! She wears it to this day! And, I'm happy to say that it continues to bring them the best of luck! And, I'm glad to report that it does the same for me too!

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