York Stirs Trouble

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James was feeling good. The Fat Controller had allowed him to pull the express while Gordon was getting some routine maintenance. He would clatter into the big station, full of gusto!
"Make way for an express engine!" He would announce. The other engines soon grew tired of James' attitude.
"Make way for a clap trap!" Hercules grunted. "Can ya learn to shut that obnoxious gob of yours!?"
James didn't let insults get to him. When he was pulling the express, he felt like he was on top of the world! Mostly. Unlike the engines who would usually take the express, James still needs a banker. More specifically, he needs Alan, to push him up the hill. But this story isn't about Alan, this story is about York. James and York were built in the same workshop, and had been given vastly different upbringings. While James often took passengers, York takes trucks. York doesn't mind, it's just peaceful. Which he enjoys. One evening, James returned home, full of pride and joy!
"Never better! That's what the passengers said!" James gloated. "If you lot aren't careful, I might get the express for good!"
"Oh joy." Grunted Nelson.
"You know!" James added. "I've never seen a red engine as good as me, ever. I am simply the best engine in existence!"
"What about York?" Niall asked. Trying to defuse the situation. However, what this did, was turn everyone's attention onto York. York gulped.
"I'm not express material?" He whimpered.
"Oh, I see how it is!" James barked! "You're trying to best me! Well, good luck trying!"
"No.. No I'm not." York tried to explain the mixup, but James was furious!
"No! NO! I see! You want a challenge!"
"Then swap jobs!" Donald snapped! Hoping to defuse the situation. "We dinn'e want to hear ye try and start wee fights with other engines because yer inseccure!"
"INSECURE!?" James cried! "Alright! Alright! Fine, York and I will swap jobs! I'll take his.. Yuck! Trucks! And he'll take the express!"
"This is really unnecessary!" York pleaded! Trying to get his case across! But it was too late, the other engines were all rilled up! York felt himself sink.

The next morning, once the crews had agreed to the switch, York puffed away to fetch the coaches. He was near doubled over with anxiety as he clanked into the big station! Luckily, The Fat Controller was waiting.
"If you can't make it the full journey, I can have Benson meet you half way. Now, good luck."
"We don't need luck!" His driver beamed! "Our York here is as tough as they come!"
"Don't flatter yourself." York whispered. He jumped at the sound of the guards whistle! And off he set.

At first. York was feeling nervous. But, as he picked up speed, he found that he was beginning to enjoy himself!
"This isn't so bad!" He puffed to himself! And gathered speed! "I can see why everyone's always wanting a go!"
"Good boy!" Shouted the stoker! "Keep up steam and we'll be there in no time!"
York whistled back, and thundered along! However, he stopped at Edward's station.
"What are you doing?" Asked the coaches. "The express doesn't stop here!"
"I need a banker!" York replied. "I can't make it up the hill without one!"
Quickly, Alan was called to action. He buffered up behind, and the two set off again! They made it over the hill with little trouble, but the wait caused the train to run behind schedule! York was running late by the time he reached the works station!
"Bother!" He huffed! "We were running so nicely too!"
Truthfully, York was beginning to feel a little unwell. But he didn't want to show it. He had been given the confidence he sorely lacked!
"It must'a been when Alan came to help us." Explained the driver. "Can't be helped!"
But to York. It could.

It seemed like hours before York set off again! Once again, the journey went well! But as they passed the radio station, York began to feel unwell. This time, he felt himself slow. His crew checked the pressure gauge.
"Hmm... Somethings up. Not sure what though." Said the driver.
"We'll have a look at the big station." Replied the stoker. "We shouldn't have any troubles if we get a banker."
York wasn't having it!
"We don't need Alan, nor a banker!" York protested! "I refuse to be running late again!"
No matter how hard his crew tried to convince him otherwise, York wouldn't budge! At last, his crew had to admit defeat, and they carried on! At last, they reached Gordon's Hill. York puffed and snorted with all his might! He felt the weight of the heavy train pull against his coupling, and he quickly began to slow to a crawl!
"Goodness!" York panted, breathlessly! "This is dreadful!"
But there was worse to come. As he neared the top of the hill, there was a shuddering and earsplitting BANG! Steam shot in all directions! And York found himself unable to go any further. He came to a halt, hissing steam mournfully.
"What's happened?" He puffed weakly.
"I'll tell you what's happened!" Snapped the driver! "You've burst your safety valve!"
"To hell with your confidence!" Barked the stoker! "Look at where that's gotten us!"
York sighed, and looked down at his buffers. Soon, Alan arrived, and brought York back down the hill. Where Henry took the train on, and Jeremy took York onto the works.

The Fat Controller spoke sternly to York that evening!
"It's imperative that you know your limits!" He said. "You did well to get as far as you did, but when you felt unwell, you need to tell us! So we can prevent things like this from happening."
"Yes sir. Sorry sir." York replied. The Fat Controller only shook his head, and set off for his car.
"I see you didn't make it either." Came a feeble voice. York was astonished to find James! Being looked over!
"What happened to you!?" York cried! James grimaced.
"You wouldn't believe it, but I lost control of the trucks. I crashed not far away from where you were." He replied. "So, technically, you win the bet."
"I made a grand fool of myself." York replied. "At least the trucks have it out for you."
"Remind me why I only pull coaches again?" James joked. Then they laughed. It was good to be friends again. York has a new lease on life! Although the still well mannered and well meaning goods engine, York now has a bit of swagger in his step. A more confident engine now. Often sticking up for the underdog! A truly remarkable engine.

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