We Don't Talk About the War

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The Fat Controller was not happy. He placed Brewer onto pick up goods.
"Perhaps." He spoke severely. "This will teach you to take better care in the future."
Brewer didn't reply. He was oddly quiet that night. Which got some curious looks. Cub, however, decided he'd take matters into his own buffers.
"Say, Brewer!?" He proclaimed, as he backed into the shed. "Tell me, what other war traditions did you bring over to Sodor?"
Brewer didn't reply for a moment. He looked rather pale.
"I.. I.." He stammered. "I di.. Didn't really keep any.."
"Not even the camouflage freight!? Everyone on Sodor does it!" Cub snickered to himself. Brewer gulped, but smiled.
"I... erm... I didn't know we still did that one!" He found his footing. "Remind all the engines in the room what it meant!"
"Sure can!" Cub's plan had worked. The blue tender engine had bought it. "Putting yourself in the middle of the trucks, so you blend in!"
"Of course!" Hovris added. "We all still do it!"
"Do we?" Bernie looked puzzled at the other engines, but quickly caught himself. "I mean! Of course we do!"
"That's settled then!" And Brewer shut his eyes, and went to sleep.

The next morning, Brewer was at the works station, getting his next goods train ready, when Cub hurried excitedly in.
"Brewer!?" He called happily. "I've just had a thought?"
".. Go on?" Brewer replied pensively.
"Well, since you want to get back in The Fat Controller's good graces, why don't you try the camouflage freight manoeuvre!? I'm sure it'll impress The Fat Controller!" Brewer was worried. He'd never done anything like that before. But, he didn't want to be known as a war faker if he didn't. At last, Brewer sighed.
"Oh, alright! Sure." Brewer was arranged in the middle of his train, and once the guard's whistle had sounded, Brewer puffed away.

Because of the lack of visibility, Brewer could only go along at a crawl! He was very late by the time he reached Edward's station. The stationmaster was very annoyed.
"Please just shunt those trucks in the sidings." She sighed. "And be quick, Fury's coming through with an express goods in a few minutes."
Brewer did as he was told. As he rolled into the sidings, he started thinking.
"I hope Cub's right." He thought. "It'd be really-"
"WHOA! STOP!" Brewer didn't even have time to react! Before the first few trucks ploughed into the turntable well! Once the dust settled, Brewer let off steam angrily!
"BLAST!" He snapped.

When Brewer returned home, he found Cub, standing by a standpipe.
"You tricked me!" Brewer hissed! "You made me look like a fool!"
"Not entirely true." Cub reasoned. "You've been doing it the whole time."
Brewer was confused. So Cub continued.
"You really need to drop this whole war thing." Cub sighed. "If you were really a war engine, you'd know..."
Cub trailed off.
"We don't talk about the war."

Brewer, thankfully, dropped his whole war shtick. And, although he's still a massive wanker, at least he's learnt his lesson. Although, whenever the subject of the war is brought up, Brewer remains respectfully silent. 

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