Snow Problem

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Winter arrived, and the blizzards came with it. Everyone needed a snowplough, and to take extra care while traversing through the blistering conditions. Often, engines were found stuck, and cold. Donald and Douglas worked hard, but they agreed they couldn't be everywhere at once.
"We can clear the mainline when needed." Said Douglas. "But we have trains to take too!"
"Aye." Agreed Donald. "I hate to say it, but we cannie do this forever."
The Fat Controller agreed. And decided all the engines were to help with clearing the lines when needed.
"Pah!" Snorted Henry! "Donald and Douglas were made for this sort of work! I don't want to be caught clearing snow for anyone other than ME!"
"Come now Henry!" Snapped Thompson! "We all need to help out! I don't like it much either, but it's for everyone's benefit! You included!"
Henry, did not agree.
"It's not fair!" He snorted! "I'm much better than that! Snows only stupid soft stuff! Easy to clear! Even without a plough!"
"Sure big man." Thompson sneered dismissively.

Most of the other engines hated the work too. They weren't coupled back to back with another engine, and had to clear the line alone. Almost everyone hated it. Tango, however, enjoyed it.
"I get a kick out of helping others!" Tango said. "It feels nice helping out!"
And this showed. Tango left no spot unturned. So, he was often picked for this role.
"Tango works wonders!" Gordon said! "He's just as good as you and Douglas!"
Donald smiled.
"Och, he is a good lad! It's nice being able to run along without fears of being swamped with drifts!"
"He is." Gordon laughed. "A credit to us all!"
Tango didn't let all this praise go to his smokebox. He was flattered, but didn't want it to negatively affect his work. Henry, however, quickly grew jealous.

"That Tango!" He complained to Rick and Rolly one morning! "Who does he think he is!? Stealing the spotlight from such a magnificent engine as myself!"
"You do have to admit." Rick said. "Tango does an incredible job at clearing the line."
"I'd be better!" Henry snapped! "Tango is much weaker than me!"
"No he's not!" Rolly laughed! "He's a 5MT too! He's just as strong as you!"
"And more well mannered!" Rick interjected. The twins burst out laughing! Henry went red in the face!
"I'll prove it!" And Henry snorted away! He thought all day about how to prove his statement. Until he had an idea. He spoke to his crew that night.
""The Fat Controller wants to see if I can do it without a snowplough!"
"Shut the fuck up!" Snarled Henry's driver! "No he didn't! Besides, we wouldn't even make it past the junction!"
"I'm sure we will!" Henry begged! "Come on! You trust me, don't you?"
"No." Replied the stoker. "We don't. However..."
She trailed off.
"If you're so insistent." Henry smirked! And the next morning, Henry left his snowplough behind! And puffed away triumphantly!
"This will be easy!" He huffed!

Not long after he left, Tango arrived from clearing the track.
"Say, Zoya, why is there a snowplough here?" Tango's driver and stoker inspected the snowplough.
"I think it belongs to Henry." The stoker said. "No clue why it's here."
"Huh... How odd." Tango said. Not long later, the phone rang from in the signal box. And moments later, the yard master came trudging out to where Tango was getting his first goods train ready.
"Henry's stuck in the snow!" She said! "You'll need to carry some workmen in the guards van to clear him!"
Tango was confused!
"Hold on? How come?" Then, Tango remembered the snowplough that Henry had left behind! "Oh no!"
Tango said, holding back a snicker!
"We'll dig him out! No trouble!" Tango's crew loaded the guards van with workmen, and Tango puffed away.

Tango puffed down the mainline. At last, he reached the spot of the line where Henry had been stopped.
"Goodness!" Tango gasped! "Henry! Are you alright!?"
Henry was red in the face! His crew were in the nearby signal box, and explained everything.
"The daft engine wanted to prove he was stronger than you!" Snarled Henry's driver. "Well, he's proven something anyway!"
Henry scoffed. Tango huffed!
"It's dangerous to go without a snowplough! You of all engines should know this!" He snapped! "Now you're wasting these workmen's time!"
Henry snorted crossly!
"Well, maybe I wouldn't have tried if you weren't so favourable with all the other engine!" Henry snarled! "Taking all the spotlight!"
"It's because I like helping others!" Wheeshed Tango! "Kindness goes a long way! Maybe you can learn it!"
Henry still looked cross, but Tango knew he had won the battle. He left the workmen, and puffed away.

When the winter months passed, The Fat Controller came to speak to Tango, Donald and Douglas.
"It seems." The Fat Controller said "Tango has proven himself to be an engine who is very much capable of tackling the snow while you two are busy."
"Aye." Douglas said. "I wouldn'e mind if you helped clearing to snow mere often!"
Tango smiled.
"I'd be more than happy to!" He smiled! "Thank you sir!"
Now, Tango helps clear the snow, usually when Donald and Douglas are busy. He does a grand job, and is praised by all. Henry got over his grudge. After The Fat Controller and Gordon gave him a strong talking to at least. Now, Henry respects Tango. And sometimes, when the weather is bad, Henry and Tango will be coupled back to back. Never expected that, did you? Because I sure as hell didn't.

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