Flour Power

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One morning, Edward dropped off some trucks of produce and flour at the radio station. Leaving it for a very disgruntled Hugh. Admittedly, Hugh was in a rush, and wasn't taking as much care as he really should have. As he crossed over the road bridge, it happened! Hugh's back wheel connected with a pot hole! This caused a bag of flour to come flying from his back! It tumbled from the bridge, and landed right on the mainline. Right as Hamilton came snorting in! He had been taking a goods train from The Works, and had been making good time, however, he noticed the bag too late!
"STOP! STOP! STOP!" Hamilton cried! His driver threw on the brakes! But he was still going too fast! He hit the flour with a bang! Hamilton's front wheels were thrown onto the sleepers, and Hamilton came to a shuddering stop! "What was that!?"
He cried! His crew inspected him. However, when they reached his front, they laughed and laughed!
"That's not funny!" Pouted Hamilton!
"It is from where I'm standing!" His stoker laughed, grabbing onto the unaffected buffer. Hamilton was covered, from funnel to buffers in flour! "You look like you're ready to cook!"
His crew continued. Hamilton blushed.

That evening, as he was being washed, he found he was at the centre of attention.
"You look horrible!" Patrick guffled! "You just need icing, then you'll look like a cake!"
Hamilton didn't find the situation funny.
"It's lucky I wasn't pullin a passenger train!" He barked! "Otherwise, it could've been much worse!"
"Rubbish!" Patrick retorted! "It's just a sack of white powder!"
"It could still be quite dangerous." Interjected Toby. "With that quantity, it means it's a fair amount heavier."
"Pah!" Patrick snorted! "Don't be stupid! Flour power indeed! Have you heard!?"
And Patrick rolled back into the shed.
"Ignore him." Toby smiled."He'll get his comeuppance sooner or later."
Hamilton looked anxious. "I hope not." He replied..

Market trains are important. Usually, the train is taken from the harbour, and sent down Edward's line. Either Edward, BoCo or Donald take the train. However, today, The Fat Controller had asked Patrick to cover the train. He was still lamenting about Hamilton's incident the day before.
"Flour indeed!" He scoffed! "A sack is nothing compared to a big engine like him!"
"I'd still be careful." His driver warned, and Patrick set off.

Meanwhile, there was trouble. Hugh was beginning to struggle. The pothole had damaged his back wheel. And Hugh knew this.
"I'll get it checked out at the works." He thought. As he crossed over the crossing, right before Edward's branchline. He felt his engine cough, and splutter. Before it gave out all together! Hugh's driver flagged down Donald, who had been coming from the branchline.
"Hugh's broken down!" He cried!
"Och, well go and flag down the oncoming market train!" Donald barked! "Hurry!"
Hugh's driver hadn't even reached the crossing, when there was a shuddering horn! Patrick came rocketing from the other direction!
"LOOK OUT!" Hugh screeched! "STOOOOP!"
Patrick's crew scrambled to the brakes! But it was no good! Patrick hit Hugh with a shuddering bang! The lorry was tossed to the side! While Patrick was flung from the rails! Coming to a firm stop on the sleepers. Donald and his crew carefully brought the train over to inspect. Patrick's front end was badly bent, and his headlamps and windows were shattered, however, what stuck out to them was the flour that clung to his front!
"Just need icing." Donald whispered. "Then you'll look like a cake."
Patrick went red with fury, as Hugh's driver set off to phone help.

Luckily, to Patrick's relief, Hamilton didn't bring the breakdown train, nor did he help assist the cleanup. Donald helped to take the trucks away, and Wilfred brought the breakdown train. This lulled Patrick into a sense of security. However, once the trucks and Hugh had been cleared, the other track was opened. And, of course. The first engine who passed by was Hamilton. He eyed the mess, but didn't say anything.
"Flour power?" Patrick's driver snickered. "I think it's more Diesel power eh?"
Patrick couldn't bear to reply.

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