Donald and Gordon, the Reality Show Hosts

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There was a great deal of buzz at the harbour! Camera equipment being piled up, with props being laid out all over the place! Ren found all the theatrics most interesting!
"Whoa! What's all this dudes!?" Ren asked, coming to a halt by boxes, that seemed to be mini kitchens!
"They're filming some fancy new reality show, sugar." Explained Ren's driver. "Some show about cooking, apparently."
"Yes. I can see that." Ren replied. "But why here?"
"It's for a single episode." Replied the driver. "Since Sodor's so popular, it's natural that some wackjob reality show would wanna film here."
"They've inflated the budget too." Grumbled the stoker. "I've even heard that they want some of you lot to help out."
Ren loved the idea.
"Although." The driver finished. "I heard the contestants are real snobby prats!"

Shockingly, the engines picked were Gordon and Donald!
"Reality show indeed!" Robert huffed! "There's nothing real about it! I'd never be seen around with such claptrap!"
"I thought you wanted to be shown on television!" Nelson retorted. "Then again, you always claim to be "too humble" Don't you?"
Robert subsided. However, it was Ted that spoke next.
"Why on earth would they film it at the harbour?" He said. "Wouldn't it be too dangerous?"
"That's where wee coome in!" Donald announced! "We've been granted special permission, and once the filming is done, we'll be sticking back to move all of the trains."
"The Fat Controller has given them permission to use the harbour, as long as if they're out by the agreed upon time." Robert's stoker added, exchanging a handshake with Donald's stoker. Robert looked puzzled!
"Hang on, where are you going!?" He spluttered.
"Remember, before I started working here, I was a popular twitch streamer." Replied the stoker. "Besides, Uwabami wasn't available."
"Maybe for the best!" Donald's driver quipped. "All trains bound for the harbour are to be left at the big station. Once the filming is done, then Donald and Gordon will be shifting each and every train down."
"Humble for you eh?" Nelson added. And the other engines laughed. Except for Ren, who seemed deep in thought.
"Well, do take care!" Ren announced theatrically! "I heard reality show contestants can be faker than the food from that restaurant down the line!"
"Aye! We will!" Whistled Donald! "You too lad!"
"Remember!" Gordon added! "At four o'clock on the dot! That's when you can file in!"

They quickly set to work! They found the contestants, and hosts themselves, to be downright insufferable!
"Ren was right!" Gordon huffed! "They're as fake as Thompson's express record!"
"Aye.." Agreed Donald. "They'll spit you out if you are not careful!"
"Good one!" Gordon laughed! Sadly, Donald was right. The engines were to make an appearance on the show, as part of the episode. Mostly to give advice to the contestants, or to say a few words to the camera. The two engines quickly found the sudrian temperatures too much for some, and quickly, the facades began to crumble! The hosts were worse.
"I thought you were meant to be an express engine!" One snarled at Gordon! "Then move faster than molasse!"
"It's hard to, when I need to be travelling at a safe speed!" Grunted Gordon! The host simply shoved his middle finger in Gordon's direction! However, there had been complications at the start, and the crew discovered they were running behind schedule.
"We're going to be running late!" Robert's stoker reasoned with the hosts. "If we keep this up, the other engines will have to enter the yard!"
"We can hold them back!" Laughed one. "We've got all the power here!"
Little did the hosts know, behind the scenes, Donald and Gordon would gather, and often make teasing remarks about the hosts or contestants. The crew found this to be a fun reprieve. So did the camera crew, who had been secretly filming for them.
"Got some great shots!" They whispered to themselves.

At last, the challenge was over! Each contestant had to make a large cake, that stood at least five feet tall! It was impressive! Gordon and Donald had arranged themselves away, as they were only needed to announce who the winner was. As the hosts were rating the last cake, it happened. A whistle echoed out in the distance!
"Oh crumbs!" Gasped Robert's stoker! "It's four o'clock! That means someone will be coming through!"
"And we both know that whistle!" Donald's driver replied. It was Robert's! Gordon and Donald could only watch, in horror. Robert came steaming by with a goods train! Robert hated pulling trucks, so he was certainly in a bad mood! And the fact his stoker had glavanted off to help film for some wackjob reality show made Robert even crosser! Robert's eyes widened, as he came to a stop, right in the centre of filming!
"GET THE FUCK OFF THE SET!" Shrieked one of the hosts! "YOU LAZY HUNK OF SCRAP IRON!"
Robert, without hesitation, and without a word, wheeshed steam!
"WHEEEEEEEEESH!" He hissed! The cakes all came toppling over! Soaked and ruined, they couldn't support their own weight, and came crashing to the ground! And Robert stormed away! As he puffed by, Donald could only whisper.
"And the winner is..."
"Don't." Gordon interrupted. And both engines quickly made themselves scarce. The Fat Controller was furious! But not with Robert. He banned the reality show from ever filming on his railway ever again. The hosts left the big station, with their tails between their legs.

A few weeks later, Donald returned to the sheds, to see everyone huddled around the turntable. "What's goin on?" He asked.
"Take a look!" Ren replied. He did, and could only laugh! The trailer had dropped! And, during the final sequence of shots, Robert's incident was shown, clear as day! But it's what Donald heard next that pushed him over the edge.
"And the winner is...."
"Well!" Gordon said to Robert. "It looks like you wanted to be on television! And you certainly got that, huh!?"
"Well...." Robert blushed. "I guess it wasn't my... erm... Finest moment."
But Donald didn't care. He was fixated on his own words.
"And the winner is, Robert!" Everyone laughed! Even Robert!

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