The Pipes by the Side of the Line

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The Fat Controller's Railway was looking better than ever! The railway was being reballasted, and it was Donald's job to shuttle the ballast from the big station, and bring it to where one of the other engines would be waiting, where the track was being mended. It was a tough job. And soon, Donald was beginning to feel out of breath, and rather irritable.
"Loch sake!" Donald huffed one morning! "It's always the same fer me! Day in, day out, I'm shuttling the same disagreeable trucks!"
"It feels like I'm losing weight here!" Said the stoker. Donald's scoff in reply caused her to bang on the cab!
"It's an important job." Said his driver. "However, we do need a rest. And I'm sure we'll get it soon."
"I hope so!" Sighed Donald. "I cannie take much moree of thus!"
However, he didn't get such reprieve.

A few days later, Donald reached the place where the reballasting was taking place. He noticed what appeared to be pipes, by the lineside.
"Och, Marytin, lad, what's that?"
"What's what?" Marytin replied, disgruntled. He eyed the pipes that stood by the side of the line. "Oh, those things!" He sniffed. "No clue what they are! But I'll tell you what, they look awful!"
"I wonder what they do." Donald said, curiously. "They must be impertant. I've seen them all over the line."
"If you ask me!" Borris said, who came to a stop by the cranes with a slow goods. "They should be torn up! Who needs them!?"
Donald, agreed.
"Aye, if they have nae point, why keep them!?"
"They must have some use." Flounced his stoker, moving her glasses upwards. "I suppose it's best to ask."
Donald, wasn't paying attention.

A few days later, Donald was shunting the ballast trucks. Duck had brought them from his branchline, and dumped them in the yard. Donald had to push them into place ready to head out! He was still in a foul mood, and was taking his anger out on the trucks!
"Stupid pipes!"He snapped! "Serving nae use to the railway! I'll show you something useful!"
The trucks, who never played tricks on Donald or Douglas, had grown fed up with the constant banging and bumping!
"Let's break away!" They whispered. But Donald was so cross, he didn't hear them. He started with a clang! And the long train vanished down the line.

They were running well. And Donald was feeling a little better. However, when they neared the top of the hill, the trucks took their chance!
"Hold back! Hold back!" They cried! And tugged on Donald's coupling!
"Smarten up back thar!" Donald snapped! And bumped the trucks! There was a groan, and a snap!
"ON! ON! ON!" Cried the trucks, as they hurtled down the hill!
"STOP! STOP!" Donald cried! But it was too late! The guard jumped clear! As the trucks rattled down the hill, and lept off the rails! Pilling into one another, right at the bottom! Donald raced down the hill! "OCH! NO!"
He cried!
"That was a close one!" Cried his driver! The stoker jumped from the cab, and inspected the accident.
"Jack!" She called! "You might want to look at this!"
His driver obliged, and joined his coworker. They eyed the now ruined pipes. The driver's eyes widened. "Those are... wires?"
"Please dinne tell me those aree wires for the signal boxes." Donald replied. Horrified.
"I'm afraid so." Replied the driver. Donald gulped. The wires were actually the point rodding, which were operated by the signalman. Of course, with those out of action, the points along the section would no longer work.

The Fat Controller was cross with Donald. He spoke sternly to him later that evening.
"You caused numerous delays along the line!" He said. "As a punishment, you will be staying here for a few days until I can trust you again!"
Donald looked defeated.
"Aye, sorry sir." He replied. The Fat Controller nodded, and turned away. He stopped. A slight smirk on his face.
"Enjoy your rest, Donald." Donald smiled, and soon, went to sleep.

Donald no longer thinks the pipes are silly. He knows they have their uses, and takes extra care whenever he sees them. 

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