Cadwell Goes Swimming

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Terence the Tractor enjoys ploughing his field, day in and day out! However, his favourite day of the week is sunday! Where Terence and the farmer travel to the farmers market, down Edward's branchline! The farmers market is full of fresh fruit and vegetables, with fun and games for the children to play! Terence enjoys meeting up with Trevor, Terry, Bertie or Algy, and loves the company of others. One spring morning, Terence was chugging cheerfully down the roads. He was enjoying the crisp spring air, and was feeling rather pleased with himself. He was looking forward to getting to the market, since he and Trevor had planned to sing some songs for the children. However, as they neared the junction, they found they could go no further!
"Road works!" Snapped Farmer Finny! "Bother! We'll have to find another route!"
"We could cut through Sam the Farmer's land?" Terence replied. "I'm sure he won't mind."
"I sure hope so!" Farmer Finny muttered.

Terence reached Sam the Farmer's farm. Luckily, Sam the Farmer was loading Cadwell with produce, ready for the market.
"Do yer mind if we cut through?" Terence explained. "The road near the junction is being repathed."
"Not a problem!" Sam the farmer replied! "Just follow us! We're selling watermelons at the market today!"
Terence was impressed. Soon, the two tractors were chugging cheerfully along! Terence was taking the lead, with Cadwell travelling behind. Sam the farmer, and Farmer Finney were close friends, and sometimes liked to joke around. Sometimes, they would bump each other's trailers! Cadwell found this fun, however, Terence did not. As Cadwell was up the back, he sometimes bumped into Terence's trailer.
"Come on now!" Terence said. "Enough of that! That could be dangerous!"
"I'm sure it's fine!" Cadwell laughed! "Just have a bit of fun mate!"
Terence shuddered. Winter had passed, but there was still one or two late frosts. This covered the road in a slick layer of ice. Usually, the road would have been pathed with salt, however, Percy hadn't been available to collect the salt, so the two tractors were forced to take extra care. Near the bridge, Terence noticed some children going for a swim in the river.
"Isn't it too cold for a swim?" Terence said.

Cadwell laughed. "It's never too cold for a swim, old lad!"
He said.
"You need to get yourself accustomed for such conditions! Say, I remember back in the war.." Terence just rolled his eyes.

At last, the tractors reached the farmers market, and while Cadwell chugged into the market, to find where he was to unload, Terence pulled into the parking lot. Trevor was waiting.
"You're a little late." Said Trevor. "What's the matter?"
"It's Cadwell!" Snapped Terence! "He's so high up his own treds! He doesn't understand how dangerous this weather can be! And he still continues to bump and bash at my cart!"
Trevor smiled. "I wouldn't worry about it." He said. "He's harmless, and I'm sure he didn't want to upset you."
This made Terence feel just a little better.

A little later. Terence was heading home. He and Trevor had had a lovely day, and now, he was heading home. As he chugged along, he noticed Cadwell up ahead, near the bridge by the river. He felt Farmer Finny slide back.
"Hold on lad." He smirked and put on speed! Terence was shocked!
"WHAT!?" He cried! Then, it happened. Terence was going too fast! He hit Cadwell's trailer with a THWANG! Cadwell lurched forward! However, the road was still frosty, and when Cadwell tried to get grip on the road, he found he couldn't! Sam the Farmer lept for safety, as Cadwell skidded off the road! And down the embankment! Terence watched in horror! As Cadwell skidded into the water with a SPLASH! Luckily, no one was hurt!
"OH!" Cadwell wailed! "IT'S BLOODY FREEZING!"
Thomas was passing by, over the bridge!
"Cinders and Ashes!" He cried! "I'll go for help!"
Cadwell looked at the clear water that had just polluted.

The breakdown train wasn't available, so Thomas and Terence had to pull Cadwell back to safety! Terence felt dreadful!
"I'm so sorry!" He apologised. "I didn't mean for you to slip!"
"That's alright!" Cadwell laughed! "I think it's taught me a valuable lesson. I shall be more careful during this weather in future."
"I suppose." Thomas said, innocently. "Maybe take a nice warm shower when you get home!"
Both tractors could only agree!

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