Rick Rolls the Road

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Whenever road works are afoot, it always means the presence of George the Steamroller. He and the workmen were often seen anywhere to everywhere, helping to repair sections of road. Luckily, he didn't often venture towards the mainline. However, one crisp summers day, Rick found himself face to face with the disagreeable roller.
"You're cheap and lousy!" Huffed Rick!
"You're useless!"
"You're rude!"
"You're out of date!" George and the workmen had been helping to repathe a part of the road next to the barber shop stations yard. And of course, with an engine as needlessly aggressive as Rick, problems soon occurred. George was glad when Rick had finished preparing his train. Although, on the way, Rick made sure to blast George with as much steam as he could muster.
"Rotten roller!" Rick huffed crossly! "Throwing cheap insults around like a football! What a disgrace!"

He spoke his mind to the other engines that night.
"Someone ought to teach that roller a lesson!" Rick snapped! "He's nothing but trouble!"
"Yes, but what more can we do?" Toby reasoned. "Fighting fire with fire is only going to make it worse."
"Perhaps we pull him apart!" Odette suggested "brightly". "Like what Oliver did with S.C Ruffey!"
"Yes, and be responsible for a murder?" Hovris snarled. "Count me out then!"
"Well there must be something we can do!" Rick wheeshed. "I'm not going to let that lousy steamroller continue to be rude to us!"

Much like the barber shop station, the radio station's car park was in need of new pathment. And that meant George was summoned. Due to scheduling, they had to start later into the night. Which meant George was struggling to see.
"Railways are no good..." He grumbled as his driver put him into reverse. "Pull em up, turn em into roads."
Suddenly, George felt his trailer collide with something! There was a screeching grinding sound, before they stopped!
"Must've clipped the fence." His driver yawned. "Thats our cue to go home for the night."
But what no one bothered to check was what they'de backed into, as it wasn't a fence, it was an oil pump. An oil pump, which now leaked fuel onto the rails.

The next morning, George was still mending the car park. He gloated to the engines as they passed by.
"This'll be your sheds soon!" He cackled! The other engines rolled their eyes, but just ignored him. Which only made George crosser. "I'LL SHOW YOU!"
It wasn't long before Rick arrived with a train of heavy trucks. George scoffed as the goods train pulled into the yard.
"Get a good look at me!" George shouted! "Soon, your railways will be torn up for my fancy roads! And you'll all be sent to the scrap yards!"
Rick went red with fury!
"I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW!" But he never got to teach him, as all of a sudden, Rick's wheels lost their grip on the rails! He slid along helplessly as he splashed in the diesel fuel! "What on earth!?"
Rick cried! The trucks saw their chance for trouble! They banged against his buffers, and pushed Rick on!
"ON! ON! FASTER! FASTER!" Cried the trucks! Rick was forced through the buffers! And found himself wheel deep in the road! George came closer and closer! George watched in horror! As Rick came skidding along, only stopping mere inches from George's front end.
George was so scared, he only backed away..

Soon, Rick was brought back on the rails. While he wasn't damaged, the car park was destroyed!
"How on earth did this happen!?" Demanded The Fat Controller.
"I might have an idea." Rick's driver replied, pointing to the oil pump. "Look."
The tank had been completely detached! The Fat Controller raised his eyebrows curiously.
"Okay. That's something... But how did it come out?"
"That was our fault sir." George's driver replied. And she explained the whole story. By the time she was done, The Fat Controller was just shaking his head.
"It'll take some time to repair this damage." He said. "Make sure to take proper care in future."
"Yes sir." The driver replied. Rick just smiled.
"Wait until the other engines hear about this!" He chortled. "Now, we can fight back!"

But they found there was no need. For the next few weeks, George remained eerily quiet whenever anyone would pass him by. Especially Rick. Although, sadly, George soon returned to his old ways.
"Railways are no good! Turn em into roads!" He barked as Donald passed by with trucks of stone. "PULL EM UP! TURN EM INTO ROADS!"
Although, thankfully, one nice lump of coal tossed directly into the rollers eye seemed to do the trick.

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