James, Scott and the Sand

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Winter was passing, and the snow was beginning to lessen, but it did bring with it a thick layer of frost, that often coated the rails. If not taken care, this could be proven to be dangerous, as poor James found out. James had been taking a long goods train, and was bringing it to the works station, when, to his horror, he found his wheels unable to grip the rails!
"STOP!" James cried! James' crew threw on the brakes! But James couldn't stop in time! He slid into a siding, and hit a line of vans with a loud BANG! Luckily, James wasn't hurt, but he and the first few vans had been thrown onto the sleepers. Soon, Scott arrived with the cranes. He was most confused.
"Why didn't you use your sand?" He asked. James sighed.
"There was none at the big station." He explained. "I wrongly assumed I had enough for the trip up here."
"You should always top up on sand, no matter what!" Scott replied! "It's lucky you weren't hurt! I shall report this to The Fat Controller!"
"Go ahead!" Huffed James! "See if I care!"

Sadly, The Fat Controller gave James a stern word. In short, James was ordered to bank trains at Edward's station, until he had learnt the importance of sand, while Alan was given mainline trains. James hated it! The trains he had to push were very heavy! And he always found himself returning to the sheds, only to hear Scott on his case about the very thing he was forced to learn about.
"Have you learnt the sand ways?" Scott said. James let off steam angrily!
"Oh will you shut up!?" He snapped! "Is this your whole personality or something!?"
"NO!" Scott squealed! "I'm only here to remind you to stay safe! Sand is important!"
"And so is keeping your mouth shut!" Grolton retorted! "Yet, the rest of us don't get that luxury!"
Truthfully, the other engines were all sick to death of the same spiel from Scott, each night, and at last, the engines had had enough.
"Can't you think about anything other than sand?" Chattem added. "It's the least interesting topic in the world."
"Exactly." Finished Henry. "Now, shut up and let the rest of us sleep!"
James beamed, he felt he had won. But sadly, this was far from the case. The next morning, The Fat Controller came to see the engines. He addressed them all, before he turned his attention to Scott.
"And you are to fetch the sand from the other railway, and bring it up to the big station."
He said. Scott looked over to James, and sneered.
"I'll make sure to sand the rails for you!" And he purred away. Dropping sand on the rails as he did so. James nearly shouted, before Douglas stopped him.
"Nai, lad." He said. "Save yer breath, he'll run intoo his own troble sooner or later."
"Huh! I bloody hope so!" Huffed James!

Scott collected the first train, bound for the other railway, and set off. He passed James at Edward's Station, and made sure to drop sand on the rails. James rolled his eyes, and kept Douglas' words on his mind. Scott collected the trucks from the other railway, and set off for The Big Station. He dropped sand when he felt he had no grip, and was beginning to feel pleased.
"Sand and planned!" He said! "Just the way I like it!"
However, he was in such a rush, he forgot to fill up on sand at The Works Station. He didn't think much of it, until he reached Gordon's hill! Scott knew he'd need as much sand as he could get here! So, he charged the hill! He was halfway up, when he went to drop more sand! But to Scott's horror, he found there was no sand left in his sandboxes! He tried to continue on! But it was no use! And soon, Scott came sliding to a stop!
"Bother!" Scott snarled! "Don't tell me!"

James was shunting, when James' stoker got the call, when she put her phone away, she was grinning from ear to ear!
"You will never guess what I just heard!" James raised an eyebrow.
"Scott's stuck on Gordon's Hill!" She replied! "AND HE'S OUT OF SAND!"
James and his crew erupted into laughter! They laughed and laughed until they were red in the face! They stopped, when they noticed a large and rotund shape, standing by the trucks! James was almost giddy with joy!
"Oh, this is going to be really funny!"

Scott stood, cold and lonely. He was hoping James wouldn't hear about his situation. But, to his dismay, James' whistle echoed out in the distance! And James came fussing over!
"Well, well, well!" James announced! "Looks like someone didn't follow their own advice! And with a full train of it too!"
He laughed!
"You look like a complete disgrace!"
"SHUT UP!" Huffed Scott! "Are you going to help me, or not!"
"Oh yes!" James replied. "I just wanted you to feel ashamed!"
Scott seethed! And James came from behind! And with all his might, forced the train up the hill!

Scott was shunted into the yard, and Henry took the trucks onward. James pulled up alongside Scott, and could only smile. Scott was about to open his mouth, but James interjected.
"Oh, I wouldn't waste your reasoning on me!" He said. "Leave it for..."
He was interrupted by the crunching of ballast. Scott went pale, as The Fat Controller emerged from James' side.
"I was in James' cab and saw everything!" He said. Scott braced for the worst, but was surprised to see The Fat Controller trying not to laugh himself. "While I would punish you, I feel the other engines will deal with you appropriately."
He turned to James.
"You may go back to taking passenger trains. Scott here will help bank trains. for the rest of the day!" James, smiling, guffled away! Leaving Scott, feeling quite faint. The story arrived before him, and now, the engines made a full one-eighty on the subject of sand. They no longer found it boring, and discussed for hours about it! Scott thought they were very silly indeed. Although, he never made a quip about sand, ever again. 

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