Time Crunch

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Clocks and watches are more or less, a thing of the past. Now, being replaced with cell phones, tablets or even smart watches. However, clocks haven't been completely phased out. At the big station, is a rather large clock. It's been there since the dawn of The Fat Controller's Railway. And while it's almost completely useless to the passengers, to the engines however, it's their way of being able to figure out the time. One afternoon, Fury arrived with a goods train from the other railway. As he pulled into the station, he thought he could hear a strange groaning noise!
"What on Sodor was that!?" Fury spluttered. His driver looked confused.
"What was what?" She asked.
"I just heard a metallic groaning." Fury replied. "It sounded like something breaking down."
"Not sure." Replied the stoker, mopping her brow. "We'll ask the other engines tonight."

And, so they did. When they returned to the shed that night, Fury asked the first engine he could find. Luckily, Douglas had the answer.
"Och aye." He said. "It's that clock at the big station."
He explained.
"It's been making odd noises for days now. The workmen are going to be investigating it in the mornin. I wouldn'e worry aboot it." But Fury did worry about it.
"But why is it making those noises!?"
"Och, nae too sure." Douglas replied. "Wee blitter might just be getting old."
This didn't satisfy Fury, but he still closed his eyes and went off to sleep.

The next morning, Fury was, once again, at the big station. While he was in the yard, he could get a perfectly good and clear view of the station. He watched, as Rolly rolled through the first platform with a goods train.
"WATCH OUT!" Came a sharp voice! Rolly's crew slammed on the brakes! And in an instant, the clock, that had once been stood upright on the support column, came slipping down the platform! It dashed onto the track, and under Rolly's wheels! There was an ear shattering CRUNCH! And then, nothing. No strange groaning, no screeching brakes... Not even the ticking of the clock.
"What on earth happened!?" Rolly cried! Trying to catch his breath. "Where did that come from!?"
His crew inspected him. They were joined by the workmen.
"We had just arrived, when the clock just came off its bolts." Explained one of the workmen. "It just fell off, and rolled down the platform.. It was actually very impressive."
"You don't say!" Rolly's driver marveled. The crew examined Rolly further, and came back looking rather grave. "Looks like the clock's jammed your brakes. Sorry old boy, but we aren't going anywhere now."
"But! But!?" Rolly cried! "What about my goods train!?"
"I'm sure Fury woul-"
"No." Came the blunt reply. "I ain't adding Rolly's trucks, onto me own train! I'm already running late."
"Orders are orders." Sighed the driver. "Come on! Show just how really useful you are!"
"You will!" Snapped the stationmaster! "Now don't be difficult, and get going!"
Fury was furious! But said nothing, and quickly arranged Rolly's trucks behind his own train. And he started to set off! The train was heavy! And Fury found himself starting to struggle!
"COME ON! COME ON!" He grunted!

Fury tugged, and heaved! But, there were several issues. Breakblocks slipping on, hot axel boxes, and even a broken coupling hook! And by the time Fury reached the works station, he was running very late. Henry, of course, was waiting, was a smart remark waiting.
"On a bit of a time crunch, eh?" Fury nearly doubled over with rage. "I thought you were more of an on the clock eng-"
"SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Fury exploded! He shouted and swore, and screamed and whistled! Henry left, chortling to himself!

That night, the mood was light. Aside from Fury's foul mood. Then, The Fat Controller arrived.
"It's come to my attention that there was an... erm... Incident, at the big station today." He said. "Unfortunately, this means that there will be no clock for the time being. So, I will be asking your crew to keep on top of the time. Hopefully...."
He paused, impressively. "We won't have any more time crunches, won't we?"

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