Mid ten past 9 -8

139 11 1

                                        ~Not Edited~
                    《i should start editeding my chapters, Sorry》
*Skylar's pov*

"Wake up Skylar wake up!"

I heard a familiar scream,jumping on my bed.

"Ugh, nat why are you here so early?" I mumbled into the pillow

"For your informacion its noon already, why are you still in bed?" She asked.

After my little fight with Austin i was too mad to fall asleep so i checked twitter, facebook, tumbler , instagram everything to try and fall asleep but nothing worked so i ended reading a book and feel asleep at 2:24 am.

"Had a small argument with Austin nothing big."

"Well your probably wondering why I am here

"Never wondered that." I interupted her but she just kept talking anyways.

"And it's bc you never told me about your date with Liam!" She squealed.

"Ugh not now." I said while snuggling more into the blanket.

"Yes you need to tell us now!" She said while ripping the blanket off.

"Us??" I questioned.

"Oh yeah , Spencer came along but she was to shy to come up so she's down stairs with your mom." She stated.

"Alright,alright ill go down in a bit.just let me get ready"

"You have exactly 10 min, and be happy i didn't give you 5 ." She stated while going out the door.

As soon as she left i quickly went to the bathroom to do everything i needed to do shower etc.. then i got out and had 3 min no 2 min left, i got my outfit and looked in my mirror simple but effected.

I put my eye liner, chapstick and concealer and i was out the door down the stairs.

"Hey Spencer!" I greeted her with a hug

"Sorry i didn't call back yesterday i was busy then i got home at Mid- hey Mom!"

I totally didn't see her there.

"So you got home at What time?" She said in a serious tone.

"At mid ten past 9?"

Ok i know i wasn't making any sense but i didn't know what to say.

I was busted.

"How come you got home at Midnight if Austin told me you went to sleep early." Now she was mad.

Wait, what? Austin covered for me ?

"I can explain." I said while putting my hands in front of me.

"Ok well maybe i can't, but i have a good reason."i told her.

"Well i am waiting for your 'good reason' ." She said while putting parentasis on good reason.

"Well you see , the funny thing is i don't have a good reason.

I finished off.

"Skylar Louise you are-

i knew what was coming.

"Wait!!" Nat shouted

"But we have to go shopping today Mrs.Adams, you can punish her when we get home just not now please?, just this time pretty please with a cherry on top covered in chocolate fudge?." Nat said with puppy eyes.

I heard my mom sigh

"Alright , but when you get home you won't get saved."

Nat jumped up and clapped her hands.

"Thank you so much Mrs.Adams, i promise we won't go anywhere else well come straight back home." Nat finished off and began dragging me out to the car.

"Good bye Mrs.Adams." Spencer and Nat said together.

*Natalie's pov* (about time)

"How on earth did you do that?" Spencer asked

"I don't know,I just do it I guess." I told her.

Well of course i know its the puppy eyes, they always work, i've used it multiple times on skylar and other friends.

"Ok now tell us everything about last nights date with Liam." I told Skylar.

"Well, number one- it's not a date, second- Liam didn't show up, and third- i had a great time." She finished off with a smile.

"Whaaat???" Me and Spencer said together.

I was beyond confused.

" well he had some things to do so he couldn't go but then i met Louis and we just hanged out." She said.with a smile at the end.

"Omg you have a crush!!!" I squeled.

"What? No how did you get to that conclusion?"she asked me.

"Um hello it was pretty obvious, your voice changed when you said Louis's name." I said with a smirk.

i saw her turn a bright shade of pink

Ha! i knew it.

"So, when do we meet this Louis guy?" i told her

"Um, Never? i don't think he's ready to handle you" she said with a giggle at the end.

"Are you saying i'm no good to be around with?" i gasped faking offended.

"Oh, Nat you know what i mean." she said with a slight shove.

"Maybe i do , maybe i don't , but Spencer doesn't know..... yet" i finished

*Skylar's pov*

After we got inside the mall we went to some of our favorite stores.

We didn't get too much stuff, but just enough to not leave empty handed.

"So then i told him alri-

Natalie was cut off by the sound of my phone.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey Skylar," it was Liam

"Oh hey , Whats up?"

"Um,well i felt bad after canceling on you, so i wanted to take you out today if that is alright." He finished off.

"Oh um i can't today i'm grounded." I told him

"Um..... so why are you at the mall?"

I instally froze....

How Does He Know?..

"Um, how do you know where i am?" I asked him.

"Turn around." I heard a voice say behind me.

And there he was standing right in front of me.


Hope you enjoy reading my book and about the new book i don't know if i want to do it anymore bc my idea just left so i was thinking of doing something else, anywho thanks for reading!!!.


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