I think i'm falling for her -17

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Hey guys so just letting you know that next month i probably won't be able to update bc there is no internet..... WHAAAAT??? How do you live in a house with no internet. Lol jk.... Maybe anyways i'll let you keep reading enjoy!!

*Skylar's (Louise) pov*

I expected to land on the floor and hold the pain on but i felt a pair of arms grab me around the waist.and carry me to the couch.

"Louise?...." i heard Louis whisper.

I was so tempted to try and scare him but i did my best to not blow my cover.

I heard him sigh and get up.

I opened slowly one of my eyelids to only see the back of louis.

He was pulling out something from the closet, but soon started to turn around i quickly closed my eye again.

I felt him go by my side and soon felt a soft blanket on my body.

I did my best not to smile, but im pretty sure i let my lips twich.

After that he turned off the light and probably went to his bedroom.

I sat up and saw that his bedroom light was still on, i was going to try and leave the house with out him noticeong when i heard him on the phone.

I know what your thinking .

You don't earsdrove Skylar.

And i totaly agree with you just that right now
I couldn't avoid it.

"Yes she is , but shes in the living room." I heard him say.

"..... on the couch...."

There was a long pause, probably Niall talking to him about manners and all that stuff.

"I know Nialler, but she just looked peacefull and didn't want to wake her up." He sighed.

There was a pause again.

"Alright,and no i wouldn't make a move on her she's like a sister, just like lottie and the rest."


Ok that hurt a little.

A little?, no it hurt Alot.

He only sees me as a sister and nothing else,
why would i care anyways not like i like him or something.

Your right, you just have a crush on him

A voice said inside my head.

Well dang you vooce in my head.

You mean your conscious

The voice said.

Uh , now im fighting with myself whatever just leave, but of course Leave a note.


It was morning, well more like afternoon.

Since i had to Walk from Louis Place not to forget about ny fin so i dragged myself over to the lake, i was careful not to be found, once i was out i dragged myself to my flat and took a shower seriously taking a shower with a fin is not very nice.

So afterwards i went to sleep and woke up at noon.

"Sky wake up!!! I already let you sleep in so can you please get up?" Nat screamed from the end of my bed.

"Fine" i huffed as i sat up.

She gave me a satisfied smile and began to skip towards the Kitchen.... i guess i got up and went to the loo to do my buisnes.

Afterwards i just stayed on my pijamas didn't bother to change.

"Oh good timeing here look what i made " Nat hold up a heart shape looking Pancake.


She just smiled and bowed.

"So what do you want to do today?" Nat asked.

"well nothing i just wanted to stay and most likely go to the lake or something" i told her.

"Ok, but ill go to the grosery store to buy some stuff oh and we leave tomorrow morning so you better get packing." She waved goodbye and exited the door.

I just ploppled myself on the couch and stared at the white wall...



~ There's a firefly loose tonight better catch it before it burns this place down and i lie if i don't feel alright but the world looks better thro-

My phone started to ring.

"Hello." I stated blankly

"Hey Skylar, its me ..... Liam"

I froze.

I didn't think he would call i mean i wanted him to call but i didn't thin-

Ok i guess you know what i mean.
Its just so hard to believe, shpuld i ask for forgiveness or should i let him talk, this is so out of the sudden.

"Hello?" I heard liam at the other end pf the Phone.

It was there when i realized that i haven't said a thing since he call.

"Oh , um sorry about that..... i was busy" i told him

"Oh, listen Skylar i just wanted to sa-

But i cut him off

"Its ok Liam, you don't have to apoligize , it was my fault for not explaining in the first place."

I heard him take a deep breath

"No , what i meant to say is that, please forget about me."

And with that he hanged up.

He left me with my mouth wide open my eyes almost popping out and most of all .....

With a broken Heart.

*Louis's pov *

The next morning i woke up at 7:oo am sharp.

I went outside expecting a sleeping Louise but was greeted with a clean sofa and a note on the dinner table.

I grabbed it and read it

Dear Louis,

I am sorry for leaving without a proper goodbye but i didn't want to be a bother , i am really grateful though.
I will see you soon, tomorrow ill be going back home, hope you finish what you came for.


I let out a sigh and sat down on the sofa.

I turned on the t.v and watched 'south park'
Until i got a phone call.

'liam ' it read.

"Hello?" i answered.

"Hey, lou i ....." he sighed

I just waited.

"I , i cut her off." he finally said.

"What?" he cut who off?

"I told skylar , that she should forget about me."

Oh shoot....

I thought.

"But i thought you were gonna let her explain"i told him

"It's complicated i was but i thought it through , and ......

"And?" i said for him to continue

"And i think im falling for her."


Well aint that interesting???

Thank you for reading and i will update Sunday's and Wednesday although i won't be able to do it this month or the next .

Sorry, Lovez,


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