Did you call me Miss? -13

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~Not edited ~
Its not sunday but i already have tomorrow's ready.... Enjoy!
*Skylar's pov*

Natalie and i were on our way to Olka Palm Tree lake and i was excited it has been a while since i have swimmed with my tail yay!!! finally i will.

about , let's say, 2 hours and a Half we were there.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Natalie said as we finished loading the stuff to our house , a little flat that we rented.

i just grinned at her and she knew what i wanted.

without changing we both jumped into the water and of course after 10 sec my tail was revealed, it is gorgeous

I swammed at the deep end of the lake ohh i felt like i was free at last.nat stayed at the low side.

I kept on swimming and swimming and even practiced my jump nat was excited and smiling the whole time , i was happy so she was happy that i was happy .....

I know its wierd but i understand myself.

"Wow Sky you did that jump really well " Nat told me.

"Thanks Nat , wow i feel amazing i owe it all to you." I said with a grin.

"You are very welcome." She replied.

Minutes later i was still in the water and i couldn't stop looking at my tail.

"Sky come out already you have been there for ages."

"Oh nat sorry but it has been a while since i ever felt this ...... Free."

"well i know but we still have tomorrow and the day after you know??."

"ok I'm going."

"I'll go bring you a towel." Nat said.

While nat came back i just waited in the water, letting everything sink in.

Nat came back with a clean folded towel,i quickly dragged myself outside while nat helped me dry up.

After since it was still morning we decided to go shopping. ...

"sooooooo"Nat said dragging the o


"When are you and Louis going to start dateing?." She said.

I wasn't drinking anything, but is if i was i would have already spit it all out.

"Um, what happen with 'liam?"

" people change and you and louis are Per-Fect ,"

"Nat me and louis are not going to date ok? It's just not possible besides i don't like him , and what if he doesn't like me?, see just think about it." I told her.

" oh i don't have to think about anything you on the other hand have to think it through."

I can't like louis he is my friend after all he is like a brother to me...., Right??

" and we are here." I heard natalie say as she stopped the car,

Well that was fast drive.

We got out of the car and saw the mall, it was quite small if you ask me.
It was simple not to luxcious.

"ok let's shop!!!" Nat squeled

"Alright, lets go!" I clapped my hands , i know wierd usually nat does that but im excited so who cares? ??

We walkedin and nat instally pulled me to forever 21.

While in the i got some shirts and even a sweater, nat on the other hand was getting dresses and skirts.

"So what do you think about this one?"

Nat was holding up a light blue sweater with a design of londen

"Oh its beautiful. " i told her , honest

"Well then its a yes"

" totally a yes nat"

After that store we went to get some pretzels, yummy.

"Hi can i get a uhh 2 cinnamon pretzels please?" Nat asked

" 2 cinnamon pretzels comeing up." The man said.

"And you , lovely what would you like?" He asked me

"Oh um i came with her." I said while pionting at nat.

"Oh so no boyfriend is around you ? Why would he leave a beatiful girl all alone in a place like this?. " he said.

"Yeah about that, i dont have a boyfriend ." I could feel the heat on my cheeks.

"oh what a shame, a beatiful girl like you should never be alone, um listen my shift is almost over if you like we could hang out. " he said winking at the end.

Oh god, was he flirting with me?.... yeah i dont have time for this

"Listen .... i looked closer at his name tag ' jake'

"Jake i would love to but ..... i have to go home right about ..... now , so if you could just give us our order we will leave you to go to your girlfriend over there that is looking at you drooling at me " i said while pointing to a brunette with a very angry looking face.

I saw his face turn pale and quickly went over to her, probaly to apoligize and some other stuff.

Nat just giggled beside me.

" oh Louise only you would turn down a guy."

"Hey it's npt my fault that i had no interest in him, besides didn't you see he already had a gir? Ha imagine what could of happen." I rolled my eyes
"I know did you see that look on his face when you told him about that girl? PRICELESS."

i had to give her that it was pretty funny.

We both started laughing out loud.

Once our laughfter died we ordered again sine jake was busy trying to get his girl back .

"Oh god, i Love those shoes!!!!." Nat gushed and ran like it was the end of the world.

I shook my head and began walking to the way she went, as i was taking a bite out oh my pretzel, i saw someone very familar......

Oh no, Why is he here?!?!

I tried to hide a little bit,

until He began to turn around and i quickly ducked, which was a huge mistake, as i was falling my suspender got caught on the clothe rack and fell down with me.

"Ouch!." I rubbed my bum ..... still on the floor.

I was praying that he had not heard anything, but i was wrong bc even people i dont know were stareing oh great.

I looked at his direction and sure enough he was comeing my way....

No!, don't come!!!

"Hey , are you ok miss?." I heard his voice oh how i love his voice, it sounds so ange- wait whaaat? ??, Skylar snap out of it.

Did he just called me miss?.

"Did you just called me miss?" I said finally looking up.

Once i looked up i saw him with a shocked expresion.

I just smiled at him.

" Hello -

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Sorry for the tiny cliff hanger... thnx for reading!!!



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