Spencer -20

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So this is gonna be my last update, because i am going to a trip and i won't update every Sunday like always, when i have time and internet i will..... Thanks for reading and understanding!!!

*Skylar's (Louise) pov*

"Do you know Liam" he asked me.

"Um... Yeah why?"

How does he know about Liam?

He ran his finger through his hair as if he was trying to figure out something.

"Louise ..... Are you Skylar?"

Woah what? How does he know about my name?

"Louis were did this all come from?"

"ANSWER THE QUESTION! ARE YOU SKYLAR LOUISE!" he screamed at me and i was taken back from his sudden outburst.

"Yes! Im Skylar Louise!" i screamed out of fear.

He shaked his head

"You are the one he keeps talking about " he said more to himslef than to me.

"Lou..." i whispered scared to get him Mad.

He looked up at me making us have direct eye contact.

When he looked at my eyes he imediantly tore his gaze from me.

"You are Skylar Louise, you know Liam...... I.... You ...." he sighed and rubbed his face.

"Im sorry louise , but i need to think" and with that he turned and left to his bedroom.

I was there left alone in his huge living room.

Could this day get any worse?

After a few seconds later after analyzing everything i thought it was better to give him space for a while.

As i was getting ready to go.
My phone light up with a name 'Niall'


See you in a bit!! XXxx

Omg!! Niall! I have to go to dinner with him .

i am so stupid.

I quickly made my way out of the house and got in my car.

I got quickly inside the house and directly into my room. I did all i had to do , put my outfit on make-up etc...

I was doing my hair when i heard my phone ring.


"Hey Niall"

"Hello Louise i will be there in a few, i'm leaving my house this instint."

"It's alright Niall "

"Oh and you said you Love Bird of Paradise right?"

" Yes! I love them" i smiled.(a.n i actually love those flowers so i put them there)

"Alright see you !"

"Bye! Love you!!!" and with that i hanged up.

I was finished with my hair and was heading out the door when something at the corner of my room stopped me.

I went towards it and realized it was a present .

It was a box cream color with a white bow .On top of the box there was an envelope with my name on it .


Huh that's weird i dont remember anyone giving it to me.

"Oh Honey, that came for you in the mail Yesterday morning i just put it there ."

I quickly turned around and found my mother by the door way.

"Gosh mom you almost gave me a heartattak!" i exclaimed.

"Oh hush dont exaggerate anyways , i am so glad that you are here" she gave me a hug.

"Hi mom!" i hugged her back.

"So were are you going all beautiful?"

" Oh! Im gonna go to eat with Niall."

"He should be here soon." i added.

"Well, alright then maybe i can meet this 'Niall' "

I rolled my eyes.

"Ok well ill leave and i will see you Later k?

"Alright Bye Mom!"

"Bye Hun!"

I went back to the envelope and cut it open.

Dear Louise,

You still might be at olka palm tree lake but i saw this when i came back and instaly thought about you..

I hope you like it.

- Boo Bear Xxx

Louis got me this?

I quickly opened the box and found a gorgeous dress.

Simple but effective.

It was white/creamish with a black bow in the center.

I absolutely love it.i didn't even realize i was smiling like a fool.

That's until i heard a 'honk'

Niall is here!!!

I quickly closed the box and grabbed my stuff and rushed down stairs.

"Bye mom!" i yelled as i closed the door.

I made my way towards Niall's car and got in.

"Hey Nialler!".i kissed his cheek.

" Hey Louise! ..... I got these for you." he pulled out ..... Bird of paradise flowers from the back.

"Oh my , Niall they are beautiful! Thank you !" i gushed at the ..... Flowers in front of me.

"Welcone" he winked at me.

But not in a flirty way but in a nice way.

" so were are we going," i asked niall, who was wearing black demin pants andba white shirt.

"Nandos!! Of course Louise !!" he exclamied.

"Alright well Leggo!!" i shouted while smiling.

We just laughed.

*Louis's pov *

After i went inside my room. I kept on thinking about Louise.

Louise is the one Liam always talk's about!!!

She was the one he was talking to that time before we went to nandos.

She was the one that lied to him.

She was the one liam is falling for.

She was the one that Liam kissed.

She is Skylar.

When i asked her what movie she wanted to watch and said Toy Story i thought of Liam.... And then Everything clicked.

everything just came to me like a wave of flashbacks. I connected the dots and it all made sense.

That's all i kept thinking about until i heard the door closed, i guess Louise left.

Seconds later i heard a knock from my front door.

Huh maybe Louise forgot her keys or something.

I let out a sigh as i walked up to the door.

I opened it and was surprised with what i saw it was ....


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Woah... So louis and spencer???

Thanks for reading and sorry this was a short chapter im not really happy with it because i had to write it like five times so i am very tired of re-writing everything again i am sorry but i still hope you like it.



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