Louis's suspicios - 16

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Double update!!!! Yeah,

*Skylar's pov *

As i kept on swimming i was soon on the other side of the lake, oh what would have happened if he saw me???.

I sat there waiting for my tail to dry so i can walk home and maybe be safe, but there was a question in my head that never stopped bugging me.

Why the heck was Louis outside my flat?

*Louis's pov *

"Lou you okay? Looks like you saw a ghost or something." Harry said

"Or something" i told him

We stayed there talking to Natalie for who knows how long,it stared to get dark so i gave harry a signal that it was time to go.

"Well,do you guys wanna stay for dinner or ..... for the night??" Natalie asked.

"Oh, thats very nice of you but we have to go,and we have a flat near by." I told her.

"Oh, its fine." She smiled at us.

"Well we best be off come on Mate, Goodbye Natalie it was a pleasure meeting you." Harry told her giving her a Hug.

The i told her Goodbye and also gave her a hug.

"So what to do now?" Harry asked

"Umm, i have to go make a call mate, see you later?" I asked

"Yeah sure."

And with that we went our seprate ways.

I started to dial Louise number, i just, it looked like a fin, now im not sure of what i saw but that is what i'm sticking with.

As i did i saw a very tired running Louise.

I slowly but my phone down

* Skylar's pov *

I soon dried off, and was now ready to go back to the flat.

That was until i realized that i was at the very end of the lake.... Just great

I started walking home and it was about 15 min later that i noticed how dark it was getting so i started to run, i still had a long way to go.

After 7 min of non stop running i was soon jogging until i got tired so i slowered my pace i was very tired and really sweaty.

It was already dark even though it was probably 6:30 pm, so i started running again and soon saw a figure i couldn't see the face since i was still far away.

I was still runing but it was a sloppy run, i felt like i was about to drop any second now.

I kept running until i was about 6 feet away from.... Louis? Man i keep running into him lately could it be Faith?, destiny? No louise Snap out of it. I scolded myself.

I stopped and i saw him put down his phone.

We just stared at each other while i was puffing for air.

After a few seconds i started feeling drowsy and soon started to fall.

The last thing i remember was hearing him call my name.


*Louis's pov *

She started falling and i just screamed her name as i ran to her.

"Louise!!!" I repited once i was next to her.

"Louise answer me, Louise come on wake up!" I started shaking her.

I saw no reaction so i picked her up bride style and started to walk back to my flat not hers but mine.


I layed her on my couch and quikly went for alchol, water, some pills, a thermometer and a rag.

I put some alchol on the rag and put it close to her nose.

She started stirring in the couch until she flutter her eyes open.

"Hey, how are you?"

"Thirsty" she answered

I quickly gave her the water and she took a sip... well more like a gulp.

"Thank you." She whispered

"Your welcome, so how are you?" I repited

She sat up and streched herself

"Tired and sleepy "

"Well how long did you run?"

"you have no idea.... lets say half an hour or so?"

"Ooh, by the way i had a question for you.... um?. You see ..... when you uhhh." I didn't know what to say.

Just ask her my mind kept on telling me.

Well here goes nothing.

*Skylar's pov ( Louise )*

"What are you?" Louis suddenly said.

"Uuuh, what do you mean?" He couldn't have figuered it out already right?

"Well when i saw you at the Lake i saw something strange."

"well what did you see?"

"I..... i saw a fin."

Dang it he knows!!!!

That can't be good what do i say???.

"Ooh , well you know there are alll sorts of animals in the lake. Uh a fish maybe?" I told him

"Yeah i guess.... so do you wanna go home or.???" I could still see that he didn't believe me , but i can't im sorry Lou but i just can't.

"yeah im just gonna go."

"Ill walk you " he gave me a smile.

We both stood up and walked to the door, but we were greeted with rain

Just perfect.

It wasn't any low rain it wad raining hard, i can't touch water or else i will turn into a mermaid and louis will find out and probably not see me again for being a fish.

"Uhh, why don't i um, call a cab?" I said taking a step back.

If you want i can drive you." Lou pionyed to his car at the end of the street, yeah theres no way i can make it.

"No im fine really , but thank you." I started seeing around for a way to get out of here.

Louis started getting suspicios.

"Come on you won't get that wet it will be just for a little while." He started pushing me out the door but i hold on to the frame.

"Noo!!!, louis im sure i can find a way let me just think."

"Come on Louise its just rain nothing bad " he said

I couldn't think of anything so i did the first thing that came to my mind,

I fainted...... well pretend to.


Well that is louise for you...

So maybe i will update on Wednesday not sure... but i hope you like it !!! :3



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