Too late? -39

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SURPRISE!!!!! Bet you weren't expecting an update today~

*Louis' pov*
3 days 7 hours and 23 minutes have passed since Harry and Louise' meeting. And believe me, I'm still curious of what Louise's secret may be.
"Hey Lou? Are you even listening to me?" Harry said in an annoyed voice.
"Sorry, I was thinking..."
"Are you still thinking about Louise? Mate c'mon we can try again another time." He said
But no matter how hard I try it just seems like I can't get her out of my head.
*Louise pov*
"What do you mean? What secret are you hiding from him?" Harry asked confused .
I really didn't know what I was thinking the moment I told him that .
"It's nothing... I gotta go" I dashed out of the coffee shop without looking back. I can't believe I almost told Harry about my secret. This isn't me, this isn't normal.
*End of flashback*
This needs to end. Whether Spencer's likes it or not.

A few months later

*Spencer's pov*
"I told you it wasn't going to be the last of me" I smirked at a surprise Skylar.
It had been a month since I had been released from the hospital and I wasn't about to let Skylar make a plan to get back to Louis. She may be dumb but she really has the upper hand here. She can trust Louis and tell him her secret and Louis would be totally fine with it, she's just scared and I have her right where I want her.

"What do you want Spencer?" She weakly replied.

"I just came to warn you darling about Louis, you see Don't forget I know about your secret and if you even dare to be close to Louis than I'll tell him about it." I smiled

"You don't have to remind me" she rolled her eyes.

I shook my head " well you see there is this other detail that you need to do."

"And what might that be? I don't owe you anything and honestly you disgust me right now" she spat

"Listen here Lets get this straight you don't have any right or power in this moment I on the other hand am capable of doing so much more right now. So listen close because I won't repeat again." I glared at her

"Louis is going back to La by the end of this week, and obviously he won't leave without coming to look for you, because no matter how much you hate him he will find a way to see you ."

"Well I can't avoid that now can I?" She rolled her eyes.

"No you can't " I shrugged
"So you'll just have to go to this location for the mean time." I gave her a letter.

"What is this for?" She eyed it
" it's your flight ticket for tomorrow, don't be late and don't you dare miss the flight"

She stood there eyes wide open, such an annoying sight.

"I don't- I can't - "
"It's already decided Skylar, do Louis a favor and leave" and with that I walked away.

* Skylar's pov*

"I can't believe that I'm actually listen to her nat, how can there be such cruel people?" I shout to the phone. Natalie is such a great listener and I need her now more than anything.
"Why are you even listening to her? I thought you had a plan? " she questioned
"Because as long as I don't do my plan she still has the upper hand. I can't do my plan right now neither, not yet." I sighed
My plan has to work and for it to work I need some time. Spencer on the other hand is just being impulsive she isn't thinking she just wants me away and that's it. So I'll give it to her.
"Okay but be safe and remember to call me." She said
"I will Thanks nat." I hanged up and continued to pack my bags, I told you Spencer this needs to end, and I'll make sure to do it.

*louis' pov*
"Are you sure she isn't answering you? Do you have the right number?"

"Yes Louis for the eight hundred time she isn't picking up and yes it's her phone number" Liam sighed
Why aren't you answering Louise?
"Mate cmon I need to see her before I leave, we can't just end this right now everything's a mess." I messed up my hair.
"Last time I checked she was mad at us for lying to her so I'm pretty sure that's why she isn't answering her phone" Liam rolled her eyes.
" I think it has to do more than that Liam, and I have a feeling that it's Spencer. Louise would always be crying or mad whenever she's around Spencer." I tilted my head to the side remembering seeing her cry on my way to see Spencer at the hospital.
" you don't think she, thinks you still like Spencer?" Liam questioned
" I don't know Liam but if Louise won't answer my calls then I'll just have to go to her."
"What do you mean she's gone?"
"Well her friend gave her a trip to relax, she said that she felt sorry that Skylar was in the hospital so she gave her a trip to a relaxing place." Mrs Adams said.
"Natalie bought her a ticket? To where?" I asked
"Oh honey it wasn't Natalie, I believe it was Susan? Sabrina-

"Spencer..." I voiced my thoughts
"Oh yes That's her name, Spencer. Ah such a nice lady she is" she smiled
Oh if only you knew...
"Can I know where she went?" I asked
"Sorry but Skylar wouldn't tell me neither." She said with a sad face.
" well thank you anyways Mrs Adams" I quickly said bye and left.
If Spencer sent Louise away then she better have damn good reason to do so.
I drove up to the apartment that we used to share, it's crazy how she still lives there, it's even more crazier that I still know the address by heart..
I knock on her door and wait for her to reply. I'm about to do something extremely stupid but if I remember correctly this will work no matter what.
After a few minutes I hear shuffling on the other side.
I close my eyes and prepare myself for what I'm about to do.
"Louis? What are you doing here? " I hear her surprised voice
Here goes nothing
"I'm here for you." I leaned over grab her by the waist and kiss her lips.


Soooooooo... how's it going?
Sorry for the long wait but here's the chapter I promised. Also just keep in mind that this story might end this month by October I hope that I have my new book out and that you give it as much love as this book Thank you!!!

Roxy xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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