Part 1

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The Rishi Station was always lacking in the entertainment department. The dull mental walls were nothing out of the ordinary, nor was the landscape outside the station anything to write home about. Being forbidden to go outside never really helped, the dangerous and normally hungry Rishi Eels always on the hunt for something to eat. So the rookie troopers and Sergeant O'Niner normally had to find things to entertain themselves. Some of them counted the time being the ships coming and going, others told stories of their cadet days. For the Domino Squad things were no different. O'Niner would walk the corridors and inspect barracks at a moments notice, where as Droidbait often walked the landing pad, if only to escape the prison the base had become.

Fives and Hevy could often be found listening to the something via the Holonet, whilst entering into an arm wrestling tournament. Echo on the other hand took the quiet days to read reg manuals or anything else he could get his hands on. While Cutup could often be found randomly cleaning weapons, doing inventory or messing about with the Gonk Droids keeping them company at the base. The few times the Rookie squad had attempted to pull a few pranks, O'Niner had caught on and shut the ideas down quickly, stating their role on the base was important, even if it was often quiet and well boring.

"The sooner we leave this place the better" once again muttered Hevy, his feet up on one of the many control panels. As always nothing was going on outside, neither of them had seen a ship in hours. He soon began to think of all the ruthless training each had been put through as cadets, the obstacles they had to overcome in order to graduate. Each of them had been prepared for the cruel battlefield, the endless threat of danger and the weight that would be put on their shoulders. Rishi Station was anything but the battlefield expected. The only danger were the eels outside and the threat of being bored to tears and possible death.

"Think of something else. Like a night out at 79's if we ever get to Coruscant" commented Cutup, hearing the familiar gonk sound coming from behind him. The droid once again following him, as if a lost pet looking for its owner. "We've all heard stories of the place. The loud music, dancing, drinking, everyone having a good time" added the rookie, stopping the moment he opened his eyes and remembered they were currently stationed at the one place fun didn't seem to exist. Fives soon looked over to Echo, then to Hevy, clearly something passing through his thoughts, although he didn't voice them.

"I heard the republic were hiring natural born's to help the medics" voiced Droidbait, as he returned from another stroll across the landing pad. Like always nothing interesting going on out there, no ships to speak of. Just the normal sight of Kamino in the distance and a few stars twinkling above. The only movement being the eels looking for something to chow down on. Droidbait soon removed his helmet, taking notice of his brothers attention turning to him quickly. His words clearly being news to them, or at least of interest. But then again hearing the familiar gonk could be interesting at times too.

"Can they send one here?" exclaimed Hevy, boredom ringing in his voice, as he won another round of arm wrestling against Fives. The only thing they wagered was whom had to check the screen when the time came. If they bet anything at all. "Made whomever they send could lighten things up around here" added the bored clone. In his mind anything was better than being there. The quietness was driving him insane, even the cadet training was far more interesting to remember than being at the station was.

"Or be bored to tears as quick as we were" announced Fives, although the idea of a medic being stationed with them was something that brought a bit of mischief to him and likely Hevy. Being on the station wasn't something he'd wish on his fellow clone brothers, let alone anyone else. "Who'd wanna be stuck here of all places, nothing ever happens, unless you count Cutup being stalked by the Gonk Droids" added the prankster, his smirk returning moments later upon remembering some of the rule breaking days on Kamino.

"That's not true. We've got the voices in the empty corridors late at night" stated Echo, chuckling when the others stopped what they'd been doing and turned their attention to him. Even Droidbait looked confused, where as Cutup shook his head in disbelief or acceptance. Fives eyed him carefully, as if trying to determine if his words were a joke or not.

"You sure it wasn't O'Niner talking in his sleep again?" asked Droidbait, debating whether to take Echo's words seriously, all while waiting to see what Fives reaction was. It wasn't any secret Fives and Echo were the two most likely to pull pranks. Even if Echo did stick to the rules, well most of the time.

"That's loud snoring doofus" responded Cutup, although he wouldn't say it out loud. He could have sworn he'd heard voices down the vacant halls before. At first he thought it was one of the Gonk droids but soon thought otherwise upon determining the voices were more like a whisper than a single mechanically repeated word.

"Did the voices say they are dying of boredom?" sarcastically asked Hevy, quickly taking his feet on the panel upon noticing O'Niner enter the area. Each of them saluted their sergeant. The commanding officer likely delivering the reports on his daily inspection of weapons and barracks, as well as the mandatory armor maintenance. O'Niner didn't say anything as he inspected each of them, not even when he noticed the dust on Droidbait's helmet and armor. Instead he simply nodded and left the area again, a hint of a smile on his lips when catching the Gonk droids edging closer to Cutup again.

"No, they just mentioned how in love with you they are" retorted Fives, picking the conversation up where they left it. Simply adding his own playful comment to it, before looking to the screen close by, once again checking the terrain for any sign of movement or anything that would bring life to the station, besides the normal supply ship.

"Very funny Fives" commented Hevy, slapping the younger clone on the back of the shoulder, in an equally playful way. A shadow of a smirk appearing on his lips, as his focus returned to Echo, whom was once again lost. Although not in the reg manuals he'd been reading lately, but rather his own thoughts. Although it was anyone's guess what had gripped his rookie mind this time, maybe it was his future aspirations of becoming an Arc Trooper, or new ideas of causing havoc on the otherwise dull moon, likely with Fives's assistance. There was the off chance something else entirely had gripped Echo, perhaps even Droidbait's words of the republic hiring natural born medics had caught his attention. 

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