Part 7

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(Y/N) waited. All she could do was wait for the return of those who had gone on the Citadel assignment, or she could do was prey to the force all of them would return safely, even if they were a little banged up and needed time to recuperate. Even now as she spent time with her family, the sinking feeling something was wrong haunted her. The feeling something terrible was going to happen clenched her stomach and refused to go away. Devika had noticed instantly, shifting closer to grab hold of her hand in comfort. Isolde and their parents were too busy gushing over the recent wedding, whereas Octavius watched the two women from his spot at Isolde's side. It being clear, there were many thoughts swimming through his mind, maybe even regret.

"They'll come back" whispered Devika, recalling the recent conversation, she'd had with her sister and best friend. How she'd finally convinced (Y/N) to take the leap of faith and ask the Arc Trooper she'd all but been crushing on, out on a date. Even more so when it was so obvious to everyone who knew Echo, he had fallen for (Y/N) too but had found himself in fear of something. Maybe breaking the rules put in place or worse, rejection. "Kix, Wolffe, and Jesse all said they'll comm you when they're back" reassured the younger woman, a soft grin on her lips as she did so. All she ever wanted for her older sister, was to finally see her happy again, to see her finally realize the strength she had and find someone who truly appreciated her.

"Being with you is also my biggest mistake" were the words to bring both (Y/N) and Devika back to reality. Their parents looked shocked, whereas Isolde's expression was a mix of anger, annoyance, and frustration. Despite the obvious insult Octavius of all people had delivered to her, no sadness could be found, only a little bit of surprise could be seen. It was almost as if the older (Y/L/N) sisters, had expected her husband would eventually regret the decisions he'd made, especially those concerning (Y/N). Within seconds a fight had broken out between the couple, with the parents trying their best to be mediators between the pair and bring about a peaceful solution, even when it was obvious they would favor Isolde, as they always did.

"And that's our cue" whispered (Y/N), not wanting to be anywhere near the pair when fought. Especially when Isolde had a terrible habit of pulling other people into her arguments as if it was her go-to tactic to win and get what she wanted. Devika nodded, as both stood from the sofa they'd been occupying and headed for the front door, the two women silently deciding to go to their favorite cafe on the lower levels. The cafe the two used to go to with their uncle before his passing, several years prior.

"You know if Uncle Seth could see us now he'd be proud right" commented Devika, the moment the two left the apartment building. The instantly they did, a smile appeared on her lips, as if all the happiness that seemed impossible before, had now returned tenfold. "He would be throwing you right at a specific Arc Trooper and telling you to be happy. And no doubt reminding me to keep a healthy work-life balance" laughed the younger senator in training, recalling their beloved uncle so fondly. How he'd been a father figure to her and (Y/N), giving them the attention their parents refused to offer. In school, he'd attend every one of their functions with a camera to record everything.

"We both know he smiling down on us right now" voiced (Y/N), knowing there was truth to her words. Uncle Seth would be grinning like a madman from his place above. Even more so to see both of them doing all in their power to help the troopers who fought tirelessly for the republic. Devika in the senate, working with other senators to give the clones a voice and proper representation. Fighting for them to be treated as the individuals they truly were rather than the property they were treated as. Whereas (Y/N) stood at their side, even through the worst battles, patching them up and bringing a bit of sunshine to the darkest days of the war. She'd been a friend to them and did all she could to make the horrors a little better, even if it was only for a few minutes.

The sisters were soon interrupted by the familiar beeping of a comm link. Devika's had gone off first, regretfully she'd answered only to hear Isolde yelling the opposite side, demanding both of them return as she needed her sisters support. Although it was obvious she was still in the midst of her argument with Octavius. (Y/N) had gone off mere seconds after Devika had disconnected Isolde mid-rant. Both of them had assumed it was Isolde, nonetheless (Y/N) had answered, only to hear Jesse's voice on the opposite side, asking her to come to the military base, informing her the team sent on the Citedal assignment had returned. Yet to the surprise of both sisters, Jesse had suggested Devika come too.

The dread ripped through (Y/N) once more. The team sent to rescue Jedi Master Even Piell had returned, which (Y/N) was thankful for, but she hadn't missed the sadness in Jesse's voice, she hadn't missed the pain echoing there. It was so clear there was more he wanted to say but didn't want to do so over the comm link. Devika too fell into silence, the happiness the pair had shared seemingly sucked from them, as they rerouted towards the military base. The Senator in training had never been there before, so knew something had to have happened for her to be invited along. Even more so when it was supposed to be authorized personnel only.

The moment the sisters had arrived at the base, they'd been met by two troopers, Rex and Fives, both with somber expressions painted on their identical features, both refusing to look (Y/N) in the eye. Which in turn only confirmed to her something had happened and the haunting feelings she'd had since they'd left for the Citedal assignment hadn't been for nothing. But a warning of what was to come. Rex soon spirited Devika away, offering to give her a short tour of the base, after introducing himself. Thrust leaving (Y/N) and Fives alone, and the Arc Trooper with the task he hoped he would never have to do.

"I'm sorry Snap" started Fives, his voice barely above a whisper as his honey eyes glimmered with unushered tears. His own heart began to break as he remembered what happened to Echo, how he'd lost his twin. "Echo.... he.... he didn't make it" stuttered the Arc Trooper, finally looking his friend in the eye. Almost instantly he saw the rush of emotions, confusion, realization, anger, sadness, and denial. Fives caught (Y/N) when her knees went weak and gave up holding her up, his care for his battle-worn helmet replaced with the need to keep the medic in his arms safe.

"W.....wh...what h....hap...happened?" questioned Snap, through her tears and hiccups. She hoped he hadn't suffered, even hope this was all just a terrible joke and Echo would appear at any second to tell her so. Yet regret was also there, she never told him the truth about her feelings, she promised herself she would when he returned from the Citedal mission. Why hadn't she just found the courage to tell him before? Why had she been so afraid? All of it felt crushing, her heartbreaking once more, although far worse than it had with Octavius. This time it felt like her whole world was about to end.

"We were trapped. He tried to get to the shuttle but the clankers destroyed it. He was on the boarding ramp" whispered Fives, finally allowing his own tears to fall, as he lowered himself and (Y/N) to the ground below them. He didn't care they were outside, he didn't care what others thought. He'd lost his twin, all that mattered was keeping to the promise he made to Echo before they were frozen in carbonite. It was almost like Echo knew he wasn't coming back from the mission so had gotten his trusted brothers, to promise they would take care of his Snap. "He loved you Snap, was planning on telling you when we returned" brokenly sighed the Arc Trooper, knowing deep down it wouldn't help but still believing the shining light most called friend, deserved to know the truth only those closest to Echo knew. 

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